Commissioner of Education, Richard Cororan, sent a letter on Tuesday to Superintendent Hanna and LCS Chair Joy Bowen related to Hanna’s decision to institute a mask mandate for students in Pre-K–8.
Corcoran refers to the decision as “significant neglect in response to the recently adopted Emergency Rule” which ordered that all schools allow for an opt out for parents who did want their children wearing masks at school.
Cororan notes that he is initiating an investigation into Hanna’s decision and requested a written response from Hanna by Wednesday, August 11th.
Corcoran concludes the letter by stating that if the matter is not addressed maximum penalties will be imposed.

Hi geniuses.
“But now — as two Florida districts, including Broward County Public Schools, remain defiant — the governor’s office is acknowledging the state has no control over local employees’ pay.”
If there are no real penalties, there are no real rules. We’ll soon see.
Would be willing to join a lawsuit. However, we need many participants because of the expected cost.
Back this Promise up, fellas. Little insabordinate Rocky needs to know who his Daddy really is and who pays his for his meals….it ain’t the teachers I can assure you.
This entire mayhem is exactly what China intended when they released their Bio-Weapon Flu.
How do you say, “Mission Accomplished” in Mandarin?
The left likely is ready to roll out Go Fund Me pages to cover the various law breaking school boards salary needs throughout Florida. Then its The Governor’s move in the political chess game.
There is a process to be followed anything less would be a Banana Republic such as what we are seeing in Washington.
Gotta love how this pandemic is bringing out the authoritarianism and rebellion in everyone. In other countries everyone just just as their told Instead of just half.
“Cororan notes that he is initiating an investigation into Hanna’s decision and requested a written response from Hanna by Wednesday, August 11th. ” ……………….. WHY are you wasting Money and Resources on an Investigation? Hanna said it and it is on VIDEO. Just watch the VIDEO. BAM, 10 Minutes later the Investigation is over Tens of $Thousands SAVED..
This is a lesson in excellent leadership and management! Excellent!
Those are some strong words by Com. Corcoran. I hope he and DeSantis have the guts to back them up and start cutting salaries if Leon county doesn’t back off the mask mania.