The table below lists the most recent single family home sales in the Killearn Acres neighborhood. The sales information is from the Leon County Property Appraiser. Killearn Acres is located just north of Killearn Estates in NE Tallahassee. The neighborhood is known for streets being named after thoroughbred race horses.
The table below list 15 recent transactions with sale prices ranging from a low of $180,000 to a high of $412,500. The average sales price for these transactions was calculated to be $283,820.

Reviewing another popular measure of home value – the dollar per square foot ($/SqFt) – shows a range starting with a low of $132.7 per SqFt to a high of $204.9 per SqFt. The average cost per Sq/Ft was calculated to be $173.
Current homes listed for sale in Killearn Acres range from $219,000 to $515,000.
Yeah, pretty much anything is fair game for this neighborhood to take a dice since their HOA disbanded and was powerless to begin with. I just hope the county does something nice with their parks and does not pull a fast one to build more homes on the land.
Biden’s Build Back Better Plan will allow the Leon Co Commission to build low-income, multi-family housing in their neighborhood.