The Capital Region Transportation Planning Agency (CRTPA) recently received an update on the US 90 Multi-Use Trail Feasibility Study.
The US 90 Multi-Use Trail Feasibility Study, initiated in 2019, is being developed to evaluate the usefulness of constructing a multi-use trail to connect Tallahassee to Monticello along US 90. The project will stretch from Pedrick Road in Leon County, east to the Monticello Bike Trail on the east side of Monticello in Jefferson County. The 10-12 foot wide trail will run approximately 21 miles.
According to the report, the project hopes to provide a safe and continuous multimodal trail to connect Tallahassee and Monticello, expand on the SUNTrails Regional Trail Network, and provide alternative transportation opportunities for residents, businesses, and visitors along the US 90 corridor.
The Shared-Use, Nonmotorized Trails, or SUNTrails Network are regionally connected trails that usually follow an abandoned railway, canal bank, or scenic highway. Local governments and citizens groups have created these paved trails in communities from the Florida Keys to the Panhandle. The Foundations seeks to close the gaps between existing trails to create a system of greenways and trails throughout the state.
The study, completed by consultant Kimley Horne and Associates (KHA), was presented as a detailed report to the committee and highlighted the conditions for the possible corridor.
Some of the information collected for the study is roadway data to show average daily traffic information, land use that notes suburban and rural land, and environmental conditions to detail hills, wetlands, trees, etc.
Public outreach is a priority for the project, and there have been two virtual meetings in April and May 2021. The report showed that public feedback was generally positive—however, there are some concerns regarding properties along US 90 and how they might be affected.
The following public participation meeting is tentatively scheduled for January 20, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. at the Tallahassee Eastside Branch Library.
Trail Alignment Options

No land scaping, keep the trail as far way from the road as possible, Let nature provide the greenery, . the lower Saint Marks Trail has become very bumpy do to pine root intrusion, poor planning!!
Honestly is there anyone out there in readership land that feels our elected Nannies have progressed far enough along since the partisan FBI investigation of questionable thoroughness in order to have earned the public’s trust to be honest and faithful public servents? And if so why do you trust them?
I do have a couple questions = You said: “The project will stretch from Pedrick Road in Leon County, east to the Monticello Bike Trail on the EAST SIDE of Monticello in Jefferson County.” ……… Can I assume you have worked it out with Jefferson County to pay for and to extend THEIR Trail WESTWARD to meet up with our Trail? Also, there is a portion of Hwy 90 that Leaves Leon County, enters Jefferson County, then re-enters Leon County and then re-enters Jefferson County. Will Jefferson County pay for that portion of Jefferson County as well?
Ever notice how these “wonderful projects,” that the general public never even heard about, just pop-up out of nowhere? Then, the city or county present a bunch of options in slick presentations and town-hall meetings attempting to solicit what they call “public input.” That allows them to claim they worked with the public to plan the project that everyone in the community can’t wait to happen.
What’s interesting is the fact that you never see an option that states, “Don’t do this project.” Use our tax dollars on something of greater need and benefit for more citizens.”
As others already mentioned, the companies and campaign donors have been selected for the project; the option they want has already been selected; and, the inputs from the public have been summarily ignored. Then they say, “Let’s start this new ‘build-it-and-they-will-come’ project so we can make some money!”
As politicians often waste funds, I commend them on a project that will provide transportation options and help get us off the couch and get moving. I will personally use this trail regularly and would love to see it built. I would vote for any option that does not cross US 90.
I’m pretty sure our elected Nannies have already locked in a landscaping company that is down with the “campaign contributions” and the other favors like that Dozier Burnett 510 Terrace transaction. Therefore 8itching and moaning the need for landscaping is henceforth off the table. WE WILL HAVE BEAUTIFUL LANDSCAPING.
Agree: no landscaping (trees and especially crepe myrtles). Falling debris creates serious riding hazard. One of the problems with the current shoulders on Hwy 90 is the constant debris from the adjacent crepe myrtles. Had 2 riders seriously hurt on a ride from same.
Sarcasm light on – Quite likely this project is about 40% true and honest motivated in regards what elected officials are supposed to do. So local lefty voters here is your chance to revel in the warm fuzzy feelings you get from knowing you voted for the leftist politicians that are making the Monticello Trail happen. Enjoy your glorious moment local voters..unicorns…kittens…happy happy joy joy braingasms!!! Ahhhh Ahhhh Ahhhh!!!
But hold on Snidely what about the other 60% of our leftist politicians motivations you may ask? Oh you know that is motivated by 100% financial interests in hiring the right contractors that have already been “pre screened” for “campaign contributions” and other favors like that Dozier Burnett 510 Terrace transaction. However let your hearts not be troubled local leftist voters. This as you know is SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) in all leftist run local governments world wide. So for you local voters carry on with your warm fuzzy happy happy joy dance!!! You are getting what you voted for!!! – sarcasm light off
I can’t think of a bigger waste of money than a 21mile bicycle path to Monticello. On the list of ideas, it ranks right behind Joe Biden for President…
County nice to have spending projects need to take a pause. Many Seniors who have paid real estate school taxes long enough to educate 2 generations need tax reductions because they have medical issues to pay for.
I would certainly recommend option 2 that does not have people trying to cross US 90.
I have seen sooo many communities benefit from these trails..Monticello will too…on the other hand I have seen towns miss out and ” wish” they had not stopped a trail!!!
I second what Mr. Hawkins has said. The trail doesn’t need Landscaping. Anyone who rides a bike or thinks should know that planting pines and Oak tree’s next to a bike trail is just plain stupid. Acorns, pine cones, limbs falling on the trail cause maintainence and safety issues. Safety of the people using the trail should be a lot more important than landscaping. I see this on trails that already exist here. You have unsafe conditions where debris is on the trail, or cracks or holes in the trail, and the priorty seems to be mowng the grass and watering the plants.
Remove all funding for Landscaping. There are already a lot of Crape Myrtle’s, Palm Trees, Oaks, pines, etc, and the Grass grows real fast so, save the money and reduce the budget.