Leon County Commission Meeting Briefs January 25th

Leon County Commission Meeting Briefs January 25th

Listed below is a summary of the topics covered at the January 25th, 2021 Leon County Commission meeting.

–The County Commissioners recognized the Bradley family and the Bradley’s Country Store for their 50th Annual Fun Day.

–Commissioner Nick Maddox recognized Timothy Firley and two others for their heroic rescue of a driver when their car swerved off the road and wrecked. Putting their own lives in danger, they pulled the driver to safety.

–Tom Napier and Mac Kemp of Honor Flight Tallahassee were recognized for the 560 veterans flown to Washington D.C. to see the memorials built in honor of them and their service. The next flight will happen in April 2022. Two of the current passengers signed up for the flight are 98 and 99 years old.

–The Commissioners also acknowledged the Florida State University Women’s Soccer Team for winning the 2021 NCAA National Championship. This is the third National Championship for the FSU soccer team.

–The County heard an update on COVID-19. Leon County has had 5,544 positive COVID-19 cases over the last week. The rate of positivity rate for the county is 22.8%. The report showed the beginnings of a decrease in cases of COIVD-19. Lastly, the county’s population who is vaccinated is 61%.

–The Commissioners voted down the draft ordinance addressing homelessness and will wait to hear from Sheriff Walt McNeil in six months. At that time, the sheriff will give an update on the HOST Deputy program that was approved in December 2021 and allocated $491 thousand in funding.

–The Board approved the Library of Things Initiative. The Library of Things will allow registered Leon County Public Library cardholders the opportunity to “check out” nontraditional items from the library as a “try before you buy” option with no cost to the patron unless the item is damaged or lost.

–The Board approved developing an ordinance creating a process for application and reviewing requests for golf cart operation on county roads. The item passed in a 6-1 vote with Commissioner Jackson in dissent.

–Princess Ousley was appointed to the CareerSource Capital Region Board for the remainder of the term, ending in June 2023.

–Eric Draper was appointed to the Joint City/County Bicycling Workgroup for a three-year term ending in December 2024.

8 Responses to "Leon County Commission Meeting Briefs January 25th"

  1. So punting on the homelessness issue for 6 months? Dozier newsletter, “The draft ordinance would have included fines for soliciting, urinating and defecation in public areas”. Um, yes please, these activities should have consequences.

    More Dozier “Camping or sleeping in certain areas without a property owners permission could have resulted in a misdemeanor violation and possibly jail time.” Um, yes, it’s called trespassing and it too should have consequences.


  2. My concern with the ” golf cart ” issue is that parents are shuttling their children around in the carts and they are not safe in the event of a collision with an automobile. Driving conditions on all roads have become crazy.

  3. Sex trafficking and human trafficking at intersections, junkets on the taxpayers dime, infrastructure funds diverted to special interests, FBI corruption investigations resulting in Federal prosecutions resulting in federal prison time, CSC scam, out of control crime, out of control homelessness, high poverty rate, high hunger rate, and nothing accomplished to the taxpayers benefit, again…

  4. “The Board approved the Library of Things Initiative. The Library of Things will allow registered Leon County Public Library cardholders the opportunity to “check out” nontraditional items from the library as a “try before you buy” option with no cost to the patron unless the item is damaged or lost.”

    … that won’t end well

  5. You gotta be kidding me? They can do a golf cart thing, but they can’t do jack about the rampant public health and safety issue that is Leon county’s out of control homeless population? Either the commission goes, or I go, we both can’t stay here. They are all as dumb as a sack of hammers and corrupt as the day is long.

  6. “The Board approved developing an ordinance creating a process for application and reviewing requests for golf cart operation on county roads.”? WHAT? Most County Roads have a Higher Speed Limit than City Roads and I think Golf Carts are not allowed on City Roads so why would you want them on County Roads being as slow as they are?

  7. What an incredible waste of taxpayer money. 7 members @ $75,829 each per year…$530,809.00 each year for this? They should kiss up first before they….

  8. OK what is this library of things. And what is on the list of non traditional things you can check out to try before you buy?
    You know we can not trust your elected Nannies with an open ended non specific thing such as described.

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