Leon County School Funds Paid for Employees to Attend Equality Florida Conference

Leon County School Funds Paid for Employees to Attend Equality Florida Conference

Expense records indicate that school district funds were used to pay for Leon County School District employees to attend the “All Together Now” (ATN) conference sponsored by Equality Florida.

Equality Florida is a left-wing progressive group that advocates for LGBTQ issues and was recently in the news for attacking Governor Ron DeSantis via television advertisements. The group is registered as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and is also affiliated with the Equality Florida Action PAC .

The PAC is touted as the “largest organization in Florida devoted to electing pro-equality candidates to all levels of government.” The PAC also endorses candidates, which are overwhelmingly Democrats. For example, during the 2020 election cycle, the Equality Florida PAC endorsed 14 Democrats and no Republicans in Florida U.S House races.

One of the methods used by Equality Florida to promote its mission and influence school district policy is through the “All Together Now Conference.” Equality Florida states ATN provides “dynamic programming that includes sessions such as a superintendent’s roundtable discussion, family acceptance panels, GSA workshops, and legal expert testimonials.”

The annual ATN conferences began in 2016.

School District Funds Paid for Conference

Expense records obtained by The Florida Capital Star show that Leon County Assistant Superintendent Dr. Kathleen Rodgers was reimbursed approximately $3,300 for attending the ATN conference with three other adults. The conference was held in Boca Raton, Florida on March 7 and March 8 in 2016. In addition, Dr. Rodgers was compensated for attending the 2017 ATN conference held in St. Petersburg, Florida on March 15, 2017.

Rodgers, who recently retired, worked with the Leon County School District for over 30 years. She served as the assistant superintendent for the Office of Prevention, Intervention, Equity and Support Services where she had oversight for DJJ, Foster Care, Homelessness, DCF, Attendance and Discipline. Dr. Rodgers also served as the district’s equity officer for students and the Title IX coordinator.

Previous reporting by The Capital Star found emails from an Equality Florida official that addressed Rodgers as a “team member.” Rodgers was a speaker at the 2016 ATN.

Given this school district expenditure, it raises questions about how many other school districts have paid for employees to attend conferences facilitated by Equality Florida – a partisan political advocacy group. In 2020,  Equality Florida noted that the ATN conference had 225 attendees.

The Capital Star requested expense records related to the ATN conference from several Florida school districts. The Capital Star has also submitted questions to elected officials seeking comment on the expenditures.

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Steve Stewart is a senior contributor at The Florida Capital Star.

Republished with permission from The Florida Capital Star.

10 Responses to "Leon County School Funds Paid for Employees to Attend Equality Florida Conference"

  1. A lot of these conferences can be viewed on a webinar, Teams meeting or Skype. Feel free to save some money.

  2. I’m confused. The district used district funds to send their Title IX Compliance Coordinator to a conference that would help ensure the district was following federal guidelines (public schools receive federal dollars and they come with compliance measures attached).
    Fiscally, this makes sense.
    Non-issue here TR.

  3. I just paid my property taxes yesterday. Almost half of it went to the Leon County Board. I have to get the heck out of here, this place is being run by monumental idiots.

    Did they get any tips on how to get more than 49% of the students to read at a satisfactory level while they were there? F ing morons…

  4. Is smart.

    If I were Commandant of Children’s Gulags with same name as small flying cartoon rodent creature I too would hire useful idiot to attend such a meeting in my place.

    This way I would not have to physically participate.

    Is called Banality of Evil for a reason

    Is inexorably boring.

    Its still a swastika even if you paint it like a rainbow and say you built it back better.

    People don’t need a lecture to know Pedo, Puto, Pud are all P’s in the same pod.

    Yet they preach their religion with the fanaticism of the converted.

  5. At my age, I’m pretty sure the Lib’s cannot completely destroy the Country in my lifetime. But I do feel sorry for the Generations that follow.

    LGBTQ+-++ people suffer from a mental illness that is treatable. I wish they would seek the mental healthcare they need.

  6. I have no problem with “Equality”. The problem starts when certain Groups such as the LGBTQ start demanding that everyone MUST accept them at all costs no matter HOW they act. Just like making Demands that Companies MUST hire them BECAUSE they are Gay or Transvestites even though they have NO Skills for the Job. I used to not care if you were Gay, Bi or Trans but, that is starting to change because of their Actions and how they Act.

  7. The progressive leaning love to attend seminars and workshops at the beach.

    Taxpayers pay for their junkets to Sandestin and Amelia Island so what does another one to Boca Raton matter?

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