Florida Democrat Anna Eskamani Blames ‘Pro-Life Politicians’ for Texas School Shooting

Florida Democrat Anna Eskamani Blames ‘Pro-Life Politicians’ for Texas School Shooting

Florida Democrat House member Anna Eskamani was quick to politicize the mass shooting that took place Tuesday at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, where reports indicate that 19 students and two teachers were killed.

Eskamani tweeted out at 4:34 p.m. on Tuesday, “All these ‘pro-life’ politicians don’t seem to give a damn about our kids being shot in their own schools.”

Eskamani was not done.

At 5:38 she tweeted, “Governor DeSantis has spent more time banning books & erasing LGBTQ+ kids than keeping our kids safe from gun violence, AND he plans to allow for permitless carry too. This DANGEROUS policy agenda uses kids as pawns & distracts us from solving real problems, like gun violence.”

The spokesperson for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Christina Pushaw, responded to Eskamani’s tweet, “Never let a crisis go to waste when you can use it to push your political talking points, right? So empathetic of you.”

In addition, Ryan Petty, whose 14-year-old daughter Alaina Petty was murdered in the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting on February 14, 2018, responded.

Petty responded to Eskamani’s tweet with, “If anyone would know how much time the Governor has put into keeping our students and schools safe, I am that person.  He hasn’t stopped working to keep kids safe.  Nothing you say will change that. You distract us from solving real problems. Delete your account.”

Petty is credited with helping to pass the “Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act” Florida Senate Bill 7026 just three weeks after his daughter Alaina was murdered. In addition, then-Governor-elect of Florida Ron DeSantis included Petty on his Transition Advisory Committee on Public Safety. In January of 2020, Petty was appointed by DeSantis to the Florida State Board of Education.

Eskamani has a history of extreme responses to positions or legislation she opposes. During the debate over the Parental Rights in Education bill – which limited the discussion of gender ideology in elementary school grades – Eskamani referred to supporters as homophobic.

Eskamani stated in a tweet, “I joined @cnn today to express opposition to HB1557 also known as the ‘Don’t Say Gay Bill’ — it’s always appropriate to acknowledge that LGBTQ+ people & families exist, and any effort to erase them is rooted in homophobia and transphobia.

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Steve Stewart is a senior contributor at The Florida Capital Star. Email tips to sstewart@floridacapitalstar.com.
Background Photo “Robb Elementary School” by UCISD

9 Responses to "Florida Democrat Anna Eskamani Blames ‘Pro-Life Politicians’ for Texas School Shooting"

  1. A Clod Squad wannabe is all… If the ill-educated Sandy Cortez can become a millionaire with a 7th Grade intellect and a heart filled with hate and lies… so can I.

    Anna… uhhhhh… like, what’s my last name again?

  2. There is a whole list of things you can blame School Shootings on BUT, PRO-LIFE Politicians are NOT one of them and NEITHER is the 2nd. Amendment. If anything, the Pro-Abortionists are more to Blame than Bullies. Think about it, being a Kid and finding out that your MOM is FOR Killing Unborn Babies, that your MOM may have thought about Killing YOU. That has to be Traumatizing for that Kid.

  3. The Devil has Anna Eskamani’s mind and was working his slaves fingers when she tapped out that tweet which seems so outright nonsensical to normal God fearing Democrats, Republicans, independants and normal folks who just choose not to vote.
    The Devil has great interest in his side winning the mid-terms and beyond to bring on a new world order.
    Should reasonable folks just give up to what seems like an endless hord of media backed mindless leftists marching on to a new world order?
    Hell no get your trifilling butt off the couch, go to meetings, take your neighbor to the polling place to vote, stuff like that.
    Those of you who feel end times are near need to rethink that because things likely will get a lot worse and painfull for you before you hear the trumpet sound. If you dont do your part now to resist Anna Eskamani and the rest of the mindless left you will wish you did.
    Let’s say a quick prayer for Anna Eskamani that she has not gone so far over the edge she has become beyond redemption. Anna go to church and confess to a priest. Maybe you need an exorcism girl.

  4. Democrats are the party of slavery, the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow, and 40 million abortions of mostly minority children. So, if Ms. Eskamani gets hit by a bus today it will be a net plus for everyone.

  5. The Democrats fight for a woman’s right to end the life of her pre-born baby. They say it’s a righteous cause. They fight to steal the innocence of young children by LGBT activists. This, too, they say is a righteous cause.

    I think they want to use this tragedy to push their gun control agenda. Remember the summer riots of 2020 when the Democrats unleashed their goons on populations they controlled. What would they do if they could unarm the population under Republican control?

  6. I think the Governor’s spokesperson and Mr. Petty’s responses are eloquent responses. A poorly timed publicity stunt will certainly doom this politician’s career.

    I have to applaud Tallahassee Reports restraint from superimposing devil horns over her pic.

  7. She is a good example of a Democrat. Given her way, your 5 year old grandson will be taught that two guys having oral sex is normal behavior.

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