Sales of existing single-family homes in Leon county were down 9.2% in May when compared to numbers in the same month one year ago. There were 338 single-family home resales in May 2021 and 307 resales in May 2022. Last month there were 303 existing single-family homes sold.
The average sales price in May 2022 increased 17.8% to $361,7682. Last May the average sales price was $307,209.
Annual trends show that single-family home sale transactions came in at a rate of 3,809 for the 12 month period ending May 2022. The May 2022 annual rate of sales is 5.9% above the annual rate of 3,598 reported one year ago. The annual rate of sales for the 12 month period ending in April was 3,840.

The average price of homes sold over the last twelve months in Leon county was $333,380. This is 11.3% above the $299,654 sales price reported one year ago.
The average sales price chart below shows the 12-month and 3-month average sales price of single-family homes in Leon county over the last two years.

The chart below shows the annual rate of single family sales in Leon county over the last 36 months.

The inventory of homes for sale was down from one year ago. There were 670 homes listed for sale in May 2022. This is approximately 19.3% lower than the 837 homes listed for sale in May 2021. There were 662 homes for sale in April 2022.
The average days on market (DOM) in May 2022 was 33 which is the down 24.2% from the 41 DOM reported one year ago.
There is no room for bigots here.
One can only wonder who is buying these grossly over priced homes?.
The black pastors in Tallahassee need to stick to preaching the word of God instead of steering their flock to the plantation owners who facilitate keeping minorities impoverished.
Is there a law tied to school truancy to parents welfare assistance checks? If you are on welfare and your child is truant then your assistance is cut off until your child is compliant. The truancy is a starting point that they need to fix.
It was disturbing to see a black minister in TV ads asking for campaign donations for Gillum. How did that turn out?
Well, why would people flock to a city or county where taxes go up constantly and crime is out of control? Our local colleges have long since dumbed down the curriculum so minorities can pass. Our elected officials are failures in the private sector. I know of one official/politician that did legal work in exchange for used furniture. The only bright side I see to our plight is U.S Rep Al Lawson is likely to be out of a job in January. And maybe Lorrane Ausley, too.
This is what happens to a community that has for generations been soft on crime, that has dumbed down education, that has promoted a “gangsta” lifestyle, that accepts with open arms multiple children born to single mothers and now flourishes in the welfare state.
I’m in the process of painting and updating my home. There are better places to live than Leon/Gadsden County that cost less and are safer.