BREAKING: Tallahassee Police Review Board Issues Statement Supporting Taylor Biro

BREAKING: Tallahassee Police Review Board Issues Statement Supporting Taylor Biro

At 6:30 a.m. Monday morning, the Chairman of the Tallahassee Citizens Police Review Board (CPRB) – Edward Gaines – emailed a press release stating that the CPRB membership unanimously supports Taylor Biro remaining on the board.

The press release comes days ahead of a city commission meeting where it has been reported city commissioners may consider removing Biro from the CPRB due to her anti-law enforcement ideology.

Following a story by Tallahassee Reports, the Florida PBA Big Bend Chapter called for the removal of Citizens Police Review Board (CPRB) member Taylor Biro for “promoting an inappropriate, incendiary, and anti-police message at a recent CPRB meeting.”

Chapter President Richard Murphy, in a press release, provided below, stated:

“It is deeply disturbing that respect and professionalism are apparently not reciprocated on the Citizens Police Review Board by some individuals. When CPRB Member Taylor Biro brought a coffee mug to a recent CPRB meeting containing a vitriolic anti-police message, she immediately abdicated her fiduciary responsibility to serve on the CPRB fairly and without bias towards the police. Accordingly, the PBA is calling for the immediate removal of Taylor Biro from the CPRB.”

Since that time, Biro has acknowledged her anti-police views.

Biro recently told the Tallahassee Democrat that “I am an abolitionist…I have never shied away from wearing my values on my sleeve, or on my cup, and that’s why I have that sticker on there.”

The police abolition movement is a political movement that advocates replacing policing with other systems of public safety. Police abolitionists believe that policing, as a system, is inherently flawed and cannot be reformed.

TR has requested an interview with CPRB Chairman Gaines.

18 Responses to "BREAKING: Tallahassee Police Review Board Issues Statement Supporting Taylor Biro"

  1. Update on Taylor Brio -she did complete the Citizen Police Academy requirement. The December 1st, 2021 , CPRB Annual Report did not reflect this. Looks like Gaines will be reappointed. Just let this committee die from its own
    worthlessness. If nobody shows up and nobody is listening – has there really been a meeting ?

  2. BOYCOTT the CPRB! They are all MARXISTS and have not helped policing Tallahassee one tiny bit! We have criminals killing kids at basketball games in this town.. and idiots like PIRO attack the Police?

    Boycott them. Dox the memebers and Boycott all their businesses.

  3. My application to be a member of the CPRB was approved. I met all of the requirements having been to the TPD Citizens Academy, LCSB Citizens academy and done ride a longs with both TPD and LCSO.

    On the way to the first meeting I was unfamiliar with the area of the meeting. It was raining. I was using my phone app to guide me to the location. My phone died in an unfamiliar section of downtown Tallahassee. I asked a passerby for directions. The resident was, shall we say, not helpful, and almost hostile.

    I have been on this earth for 8+ decades. I took this experience as a sign from above that I was “not supposed” to be on this CPRB. I called the TPD Major and resigned. With the news reports of the childish asinine actions of the members and chairman, I am pretty sure I would have not. been welcome.

    My vote as a member and as a citizen would have been to remove Ms. Biro from the “board” and confiscate her offensive cup which had no place being in any public place, let alone a CPRB meeting. Absolve the committee of all abolitionist.

    The purpose of the CPRB is review the facts of LEO’s actions, policy, training, etc and “offer” suggested solutions. Expressing one’s personal feelings and politics has no place in those meetings. Disband or function as the public was led to believe was the purpose of establishing the board.

  4. My application to be a member of the CPRB was approved. I met all of the requirements having been to the TPD Citizens Academy, LCSB Citizens academy and done ride a longs with both TPD and LCSO.

    On the way to the first meeting I was unfamiliar with the area of the meeting. It was raining. I was using my phone app to guide me to the location. My phone died in an unfamiliar section of downtown Tallahassee. I asked a passerby for directions. The resident was, shall we say, not helpful, and almost hostile.

    I have been on this earth for 8+ decades. I took this experience as a sign from above that I was “not supposed” to be on this CPRB. I called the TPD Major and resigned. With the news reports of the childish asinine actions of the members and chairman, I am pretty sure I would have not. been welcome.

    My vote as a member and as a citizen would be to remove Ms. Biro from the “board” and confiscate her offensive cup which had no place being in any public place, let alone a CPRB meeting. Absolve the committee of all abolitionist.

    The purpose of the CPRB is review the facts of LEO’s actions, policy, training, etc and “offer” suggested solutions. Expressing one’s personal feelings and politics has no place in those meetings. Disband or function as the voting public was led to believe was the purpose of establishing the board.

  5. According to the CPRB’s Dec 1st Annual Report, Biro has not completed the Citizen Police Academy training. She was given an extension, by the City Commission on November 10th 2021 to complete by end of 2022. The December 1st meeting was stacked with Biro supporters. Nothing like listening ad nauseam, to twenty somethings, with a no three minute rule. I left after the third White Supremacy spiel. Don’t believe the Board is unanimous in backing Brio. Intimidation might be a factor. Wouldn’t want to speak out as a Board member after what I’ve witnessed. Are City Commissioners not allowed to attend a CPRB meeting ?

  6. Not only is this Committee Chairman a coward for allowing this committee to have someone like this continue to serve, this Commission, with the same re-elected politicians who happily voted to create this “feel good” committee in the first place. Anyone thing tgecsratts who, who pander to these “abolitionist” groups any chance they get, are going to remove her. However, anyone who thought the Citizen Review Board was not going to be exactly what it is, are fools. Just continue to pull for those with a D next to their name, I’m sure change, real change will magically happen.

  7. The creation of the CPRB was a foolish and reactionary political stunt based solely and wholly on a lie. A hate-filled self-described “abolitionist” would have no business being appointed to such a board even if the board was legitimate, which this one is not.

    Let me know when we get around to creating a CPRB (Citizens Parenting Review Board)… then we’ll talk.

    You can NEVER solve a problem you refuse to acknowledge

  8. Elected officials, six-figure executive staff and police union activists have got to stop harassing volunteers for passive expressions of their personal views. It’s getting to be thuggish behavior.

    First it was a coffee mug that said F the police, now the story is changing and devolving into who knows what. Sure the Blue has more important things to do than a big showdown over a volunteer board member, like working on unsolved cases of violent crime.

  9. What do we intend for the board to be, or to do? It is a “citizen” board consisting of a cross-section of the community. No doubt there are those in the community who are “abolitionist.” I believe that most are not and I imagine that shows in the board membership. It seems to me that individual board members may hold whatever views they wish. However, the panel as a whole provides independent, unbiased views, and transparency. Antagonist are just a necessary as protagonists. Afterall, the board was intended to be an independent body, reviewing the actions of the police, not just cheerleaders for the department. Or were they?

  10. This is what the COT web site says about the board
    “The Citizens Police Review Board was created for the Tallahassee Police Department by Ordinance No. 20-O-31, adopted on September 9, 2020. The purpose of the board is to foster transparency, enhance communication, and ensure a relationship of trust and respect between the Tallahassee Police Department and the community by creating an unbiased panel of citizens to review completed Department internal affairs reports, cases, and issues relating to law enforcement that are of importance or of interest to the community and the City, and to increase and demonstrate police accountability and credibility with the public”.

    What is it about the “unbiased panel” language in ordinance the chair of the board doesn’t get.?

  11. Business ediquette Memo to Ed Gaines CPRB Chairman:
    Dont bang out any business emails during non-business hours or on the weekends.
    Your intended message will be vastly diluted by the natural assumption on the reader(s) part that you may have been drunk if its after hours or in your case of prior to normal business hours that you banged it out while on the crapper. (Ickey)
    Likley a great idea for your personal emails too Ed.
    Why do I have to teach business basics to people who should already be professionals?

  12. The trifecta of the leftover city hall ineffective leaders …Dailey, Richardson, and William-Cox still protecting and operating under the ineffective status quo.

    The bigger problem lies in that the city manager and deputy city manager are unqualified, complacent, nonreactive, and ineffective to the needs of the citizens such as the crime crisis, and fiscal responsibility and ineffective; hence, an obstruction in addressing these matters remains.

    Commenter NE Moderate said it best.
    Matlow is, “Fighting for reform of our still Maddox-appointed City Hall status quo.”

    “The ginned up “anti-police” fake outrage is looking sillier every day and the salty old boys would do well to drop it.”

    Energies and focus should be in bringing in securing a new city manager and deputy city manager to bring in the changes needed to address the inefficiencies and crime crisis.

  13. By whom was the board created? What elected officials declared this “Board” a prudent and appropriate group to establish? And, how were the members of said group sourced and “elected/voted for” to serve and how are the agenda’s developed for strategic purposes of this “Board”? When you learn the answers to these questions, it will become clear what (and Who) is the real problem! I’ll give you a hint… we just had an election… and they’re STILL there! The last one will bake your noodle… who’s giving them a voice in public view and call it news?

  14. That’s just the board “circling the wagons”. Instead of going on the record to criticize a fellow board member they’re establishing a precedent of “can everybody just get along?”

    Perhaps they’re not wanting to later be subject to their own dismissal for sentiments not consistent with the rest of the board? It’s not showing leadership of any kind.

  15. Shocking the board which our virtue signaling elected Nannies rushed to cobble together in order to placate the no longer in existance BLM race baiting organazation shows their unification in their haterd of police.

  16. ~ Biro recently told the Tallahassee Democrat that “I am an abolitionist…I have never shied away from wearing my values on my sleeve, or on my cup, and that’s why I have that sticker on there.”

    That statement alone – by her own public admission mind you – shows her blatant bias, and further proves that she has no intention whatsoever of being a fair arbiter on this sham of a board. And if the entire board supports her, then the entire board agrees with and is complicit in her disdain for law enforcement.

    Shut the whole lie of a board down. It is counterproductive and an insult to the brave men and women who Serve and Protect.

    BLUE LIVES MATTER… hate-filled Marxicrat activists, not so much

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