The E-mail that Launched the Hanna Investigation

The E-mail that Launched the Hanna Investigation

On August 8, 2022 Superintendent Hanna sent an e-mail to all LCS teachers under the subject “Wishing you well in the year to come!” According to reports, the content of the e-mail is the basis for the the Florida Department of Education investigation of Hanna.

The e-mail, provided below, included statements which appear to encourage teachers to ignore recent changes in laws related to education. For example, in one passage, Hanna writes:

“let me be clear about one thing– I will always have your back! I realize this is improper grammar but, “You do You”!  Continue to teach the standards just as you have always done and do not worry for one minute about naysayers political and others who are trying to mislead people and control what you can and cannot say in your classroom. If someone wants to come after you they will have to go through us and our attorneys.”

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.


From: Hanna, Rocky
Sent: Monday, August 8, 2022 3:02 PM
Subject: Wishing you well in the year to come!

Dear Colleagues,

As you finish making final preparations for the 2022/2023 school year, I wanted to send you a brief message of thanks, appreciation and support.  Over the last two years we have faced many obstacles and challenges yet, working together, we have remained steadfast and strong.  The positive, no-quit attitude you demonstrated has served as a beacon for both our students and parents during one of the most tumultuous times in our nation’s history. As a former history teacher, I have no doubt that what we were able to accomplish together will be remembered as a defining moment in the long history of our public-school system. For your efforts I could not be more thankful and proud.

It’s hard for me to believe that I am about to enter my 34th year with Leon County Schools. As in years past I find myself both nervous and excited to start another school year. This coming year, however, won’t be without its own set of unique challenges. Unfortunately, over the last year, our schools have become an easy target for politicians looking to advance their own agendas and political careers, which has caused mistrust and fear around public schools and what our teachers are teaching. Having said this, let me be clear about one thing– I will always have your back! I realize this is improper grammar but, “You do You”!  Continue to teach the standards just as you have always done and do not worry for one minute about naysayers political and others who are trying to mislead people and control what you can and cannot say in your classroom. If someone wants to come after you they will have to go through us and our attorneys.  Whether you are a member of the union or not, you are covered by our professional liability policy. We will advocate for you and we will defend you.   

In addition, no matter what some people may try to convince you to believe with misinformation and divisive intentions, I value you more than you will ever know and I have the utmost respect for what you do every single day in your classroom to help our children–your students–succeed in life. Even with the negative distractions, we are in the best profession ever.  

I hope each of you have an amazing school year!


Rocky Hanna

18 Responses to "The E-mail that Launched the Hanna Investigation"

  1. When I look at some of these comments, I see that our education system failed years ago. Most of these people championing so-called parents’ rights couldn’t name their children’s teachers and would be hard-pressed to explain core curriculum or what constitutes grade-level in terms of math or reading. They simply love to hate and are so happy to have found a champion of hate.

  2. what a activist, and to think this loser is using our children and their education as a means to weaponize his personal political agenda. Sad shame. These kinds of actors should be so far away from the DoE -yet the department is infested with them.

  3. Sounds like Rocky has declared war on concerned parents. Rocky Hannah is sick, he doesn’t want your kids educated, he wants control of them.

  4. Hanna is in the same boat as Hillsborough County SA Andy Warren. They both allowed their warped political ideology – and in Hannas’ case, his groomer desires as well – to override their sworn duty… and both made public statements confirming their intent to ignore State Law.

    Our Governor is in the right, and within his State Constitutional authority, to clean our local elected positions of those who ignore their Oath of Office and seek to ignore OUR laws… and I thank him for the courage, conviction, and integrity to do so.

  5. Hey Rocky:
    When America’s Governor gives you the boot, please consider applying down the road at the Flying Circus.
    And don’t forget to bring your red wig and extra-large shoes.

  6. Thank you for the kind corrections. Well then since the Govornor has little paitence for woke groomers around Florida’s precious childern maybe Rocky will slip into history sooner than later. He’s been dirty for years yet your neighbors kept right on electing him. I’m begining to think your neighbors are weird.

  7. NE Moderate (fool) and Snidely Whiplash, You both are very wrong, please tighten up.

    NE Fool, Hanna wasn’t standing up for his employees or free speech, he was instructing his teachers to not follow the newly implemented laws and keep doing as they previously done. He was directing employees to follow his personal beliefs, not the law.

    Mr. Splish Splash, you need to read and learn more. Leon county ELECTS their school superintendent unlike Broward county, they appoint their superintendent. Because Leon elects their superintendent, the Governor can simply remove Hanna without a vote from the school board members. What happened in Broward county will not happen here, they had to replace board members in order to get the vote out of office. In Leon county if the Governor wants to remove Rocky, he will be gone.

  8. People seem to be confused about the fact that teachers are employees of the govt and therefore can not just say what they want to say, teach just as they have always done. Hannah is a elected official advising the people he supervises to ignore school policies, rules, and the law. And this is a casual email. Whats he saying to them in private?

    Sadly people keep re-electing him.

  9. “Unfortunately, over the last year, our schools have become an easy target for politicians looking to advance their own agendas and political careers, which has caused mistrust and fear around public schools and what our teachers are teaching.”

    Right there was his mistake. He made it personal and political, and blamed his own/systemic failings on someone else.

    The Stupidintendent’s groomer efforts to push the education system away from Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic… and toward hate, racism, activism, and the queer agenda is what has created the mistrust. His failure to recognize the reality only supports his removal.

  10. Dont get your hopes up just yet about Rocky getting removed from the board. There is a process recently put in place which will give the observer a template as to what to watch for.
    This was the process The State implimented in backwards, leftist, out of control Broward County.
    First the FL DOE will remove enough of the leftist school board minions to constitute a majority vote.
    Next those minions are replaced by the conservative controlled FL DOE.
    Then and only then will Rocky be given the boot by a majority vote of the Leon County School Board.
    Right now all of Rocky’s minions on the School Board are still leftists or at best “leftist light”. And yeah the FL DOE is laying the ground work. But until we get the conservative majority as in Broward Rocky will continue as superintendant.
    It will go down at the FL DOE’s appointed time. Watch for them to engage the process that went down in Broward County.

  11. Honestly never cared much for Rocky but him standing up for his employees and free speech makes him a lock for re-election. More Governor’s office gamesmanship with our local level elected officials.

  12. Wow! – the word hubris comes to mind. He sounds very similar to former State Attorney Andrew Warren. They both could have used an org. chart.

  13. From what I have seen, it is the School Board Members, School Staff and even the Teachers who have made Education a Political Pinyata. The second you put the School Staff ahead of the Parent when their Son wanted to Transition you lost.

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