The Tallahassee City Commission is considering staff’s recommendation to approve the submission of an application for the Bloomberg Initiative for Cycling Infrastructure (BICI) Grant in the amount of $1,000,000.
If approved, the city staff and Blueprint will apply for grant funding to support the additional cycling lanes known as the Downtown-University Protected Bike Lane Project. This is a joint project between the city and Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency. If the grant is awarded, 100% of the proceeds would support the project. Any remaining cost of the project would be covered by Blueprint. Additional funding from the city is not required to support this application.
The cycling lane project will upgrade the existing temporary lane protections into permanent barriers along three major roadways. This will create a 2.5 mile upgraded protection for cyclists and motorists traveling between Downtown Tallahassee, Florida State University and Capital Cascades Trail. The project provides connections between Florida A&M University, residential Southside neighborhoods, the College Town District and Downtown Tallahassee.
Previously in 2022, this grant funding was announced by Global Designing Cities Initiative Grant Program. The grant fosters catalytic change in city cycling infrastructures by helping cities implement cycling projects and setting a precedent for what is possible. The grant is mainly designed for cities with 100,000 or more residents who show the capacity for implementing transformative cycling infrastructure improvements.
The agenda item indicates that approval of this project will advance several of the city’s strategic goals including, Quality of Life, Public Safety, Public Infrastructure and Economic Development.

Sounds like they should have already applied since applications were due by 2/3/23. More doing & let the locals find out about it after the fact. If they were serious about safety the grant would be to slow down the cars & trucks where bicyclist & people walking have been colliding. On N. Monroe, W Tennessee & Pensacola Streets people are dying.
“This first-of-its-kind program is open to cities with over 100,000 residents and applications can be submitted between November 10, 2022, and February 3, 2023.”
Some of y’all would be a lot nicer people if you rode a bike. Get off the internet. Go outside. Touch grass. Leave the car at home.
I’m glad to hear that we’ll be making strides to make Tallahassee a more safe, walkable and bike friendly city. Dedicated bike lanes save lives, will reduce obesity, diabetes, heart disease.
That was Gill Ziffer’s wife who had a slip and fall on a sidewalk and the City Attorney took it upon himself to give $100,000 payout. No other citizen in any other situation would have been handed that amount of money. It was clearly special treatment. This is about the time the FBI started taking notice of the rampant corruption. Ziffer withdrew from running for mayor. Equally disturbing was Mr Ziffer harassing a veteran citizen because he didn’t address Scott Maddox to his liking. It was a disgusting display and a terrible abuse to the veteran citizen who served the city and his country for so many years. The arrogance along with the corruption and the stench still permeates.
@ Pat Brown: Get with City Commissioner Curtis Richardson, I think his Wife did that and sued the City for a bundle, maybe you can use his Attorney..
How about fixing the uneven sidewalks downtown? I tripped, fell knee first, then shoulder, and face down. I am wracking up time and medical bills dealing with this, not to mention the pain and inability to walk without limping.
Nicolas, the project actually protects a dedicated bike lane that already exist on those roads.
Jeff, it’s aimed more at students, not state workers.
As someone that is starting to enjoy biking more and more, I’m encouraged by the development of safe ways for bicyclists to be protect from of the maniacs that drive in the city. Does this mean I want to see bikes on or canopy roads or other, busy, two lane roads? NO! But to have safer ways to get from point A to point B downtown would be nice.
Waste of space and money. I dont see even 50 people riding bikes to work. Our climate is not suitable for it. Even the lycra riders ride before the sun comes up May thru Sept.
I wonder if our nannies have a contractor already lined up which is willing to kick back a signifincant amount of that 1M to our nannies yet?
I’m all for applying for the grant money, it’s from Bloomberg Philanthropies not tax dollars. But i dont want Blueprint $ spent on it. The biking in lycra set has wielded an inordinate amount of sway, enough already! That new Thomasville Rd path is such a bad idea, but the pedalers peddled enough influence somehow to roll over all the citizens that came out against it.
That’s encouraging bikes on our roads which isn’t very smart. Why don’t they discourage bikes on busy roads? There is a place for bikes and a place for cars and the two don’t mix for obvious reasons. Why don’t they work on the crime crisis for starters?
I rode my bike to Hartsfield, Fairfiew, Rickards, TCC and FSU. Long before anyone thought we needed million-dollar bike paths to do it. I’d rather spend the million on a tent annex at the jail.
$7500+ per 100’ of bike lane improvements…. hmmmm, nice gig if you can get it. Someone’s contractor buddy is gonna make bank on this one.
Now you know, Government is getting too big. Tallahassee has a homeless problem the Sheriff cannot solve. And where do all the African-Americans come from that fill 3 to 6 pages of the Leon Co Booking Report daily. By all means, let’s waste taxpayer money on more bike lanes. At least our worthless elected officials can claim they fixed something.
Some People will not like this but, why not make it where anyone that wants to ride their Bikes on our Streets, including the Bike Lanes get a Tag for their Bike and take a Safety Course? When I was a Kid, I remember taking a Bike Safety Course at School because many of the Kids road their Bikes to School. Those that do paid a small fee ($2 I think) and got a little Metal Tag that mounted on the back of the Seat. The ones I remember were Blue with White Numbers. Every Day I see Bike riders run Red Lights and Stop Signs, Lane Split and even ride Side by Side. The Fee from the Tags can go towards more Bike Lanes.