Tallahassee Mayor John Daily Addresses Taxes, TPD Budget, Violent Crime, & Velda Dairy Road

Tallahassee Mayor John Daily Addresses Taxes, TPD Budget, Violent Crime, & Velda Dairy Road

On May 2nd, Tallahassee City Mayor John Dailey appeared on the Steve Stewart Show on Real Talk 93.3. Dailey was asked to address a number of issues facing the City of Tallahassee, provided below are his responses.

Budget Workshop: The city staff recently proposed a property tax increase at the a budget workshop. When asked about the proposal, Dailey explained he thought staff was doing their job and painting a landscape with the information they have. He noted that there is a lot of data that still needs to be collected before making a final decision related to taxes.

Law Enforcement: Dailey was asked about staff’s proposal to increase the number of police officers at the budget workshop. Dailey expressed his full support for the Tallahassee Police Department and noted that public safety is the most important issue to him and the City Commission. Dailey agreed that the commission should consider hiring an additional 20 officers.

Violent Crime: In the budget workshop agenda materials, staff indicated that funds spent on programs to help mediate violent crime are not have the desired impact. Dailey noted his perspective on the matter was that there are a lot of great programs that are working. However, they will not solve violent crime alone. Additionally, Dailey noted that during the budget cycle it is the commission’s responsibility to maximize the return on taxpayers’ dollars.

CRA Workforce housing Project: Dailey was asked if he has any concerns related to a recently approved project for workforce housing that will receive a $7 million loan from the CRA. Dailey explained he spent a long time with the legal team to make sure the risk assessment was appropriate and that the loan will be paid back plus interest and fees.

Homelessness: Dailey said he’s seen major improvements with homelessness in Tallahassee. He noted that street outreach – which ceased during the COVID pandemic – has been increased and the community has seen positive changes.

Velda Dairy Extension: When asked about an alleged Velda Dairy Road extension across Thomasville Road, Dailey stated, “Anytime we can positively impact traffic flow especially in our high traffic corridor’s we should.” Additionally, he encouraged citizens who are interested in this item to reach out to the Capital Regional Transportation Planning Agency.

7 Responses to "Tallahassee Mayor John Daily Addresses Taxes, TPD Budget, Violent Crime, & Velda Dairy Road"

  1. “he recently wrote the local FDOT agency a letter asking them to schedule the project!”

    This should be front page news in every news publication in the state of Florida. Mayor DAILEY gives special treatment and makes phone call to fdot to facilitate an environmentally questionable project for his largest campaign contributor. Also from the contributor who bundles contributions through multiple corporations. Is this a bribe leading to illegal actions that could cause great harm to the public at large? This is so troublesome on so many levels

    It is highly suspicious if not illegal for the mayor to make a phone call to fdot to accommodate his largest campaign contributor. The Developer’s engineer who should be licensed and qualified would most likely be the one to be working with fdot. I have said many times that they (Ghazvini) skip the Engineering Process and they skimp on this process which explains a lot especially all the environmental disasters such as the numerous sewage spills. For the sake of the public’s health safety and welfare someone needs to look in this ASAP.

    I don’t think White Snake’s job is done in Tallahassee.

  2. I would be OK with paying more taxes if some of it could be funneled towards hiring a proofreader for Steve.

    Hey, maybe Gillum could set that up now though one of his schemes?

  3. John Dailey misleads? Say it isn’t so! He is just fitting in with the last three mayors in graft and corruption. Just remember, “he is SO PROUD of the City of Tallahassee.”

    Every time I hear or see John Dailey, I feel like I need to go take a shower.

    PS – I am NO fan of Matlow or Porter, or any of these grifters.

  4. RicFernandez working for the Ghazvinis is driving the Velda Dairy thing from what people say

    Dailey playing very fast and loose with his involvement on Velda Dairy: he recently wrote the local FDOT agency a letter asking them to schedule the project! He misled your listeners by faking distance again the governing 3 Chambercrats screw Northeast while taking votes for granted

  5. The TPD and the City BOTH have requested a Property Tax Increase, is it the increase or two different increases because Rocky Hanna and the State Legislature wants to increase as well for their Coffers.

    Why do we need to Finance Developers? They should be able to secure their own Financing with out the City / County Help.

    I don’t know of any programs to combat Crime that is working. It is time to redirect that Money to build a Bigger Jail.

    I haven’t seen any improvements with homelessness let alone MAJOR improvements.

  6. IMO, the Mayor, his Minions and the balance of liberal Democrats in our community take their orders from the DNC. And with the majority of community voters being dependant on taxpayer dollars, added to they do not pay income tax, makes Democrat rule grow stronger. The massive flow of soon to be government dependant illegal immigrants is not a crisis but a part of the DNC’s master plan to make elections irrelevant. In just a few days, an estimated $12,000 illegal immigrants will walk into our country, every day and sign up for taxpayer funded benefits and in 15 to 20 years vote a straight democrat ticket.

    Mr Mayor under what economic conditions would you find raising taxes the wrong move. Really, everyone’s cost of living is significantly higher than 2 years ago. Taxes should be cut not raised.
    In 20 years, when the greatest country ever becomes a second to China socialist country, it will be the fault of Democrat rule. The Mayor is doing his small part the DNC has assigned him. As the late actor John Vernon said in the movie The Outlaw Josey Wales, “…don’t pee down my back and tell me it’s raining…”

  7. Budget – under this mayor it is a deficit yet he continues to spend and misuse funds to direct it where it will have the greatest impact of return in campaign contributions.

    CRA Housing Project – how is each member of this farce not in jail? Their recent farce is A VOTE Buying SCHEME to bribe a certain voting block and to pay off the pastor for misleading his sheep. Where is Whitesnake when you need him? Shut it down.

    Velda Dairy Extension – another environmental catastrophe to accommodate the source of bundled contributions. The same developer fined by multiple agencies creating environmental havoc. Only one question here is where will the water go? The surrounding homes and businesses may want to purchase a rowboat because they will be needing one soon.

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