Leon County School Board Meeting Briefs: May 9, 2023

Leon County School Board Meeting Briefs: May 9, 2023

Below are the news briefs from the Leon County School Board meeting that took place on May 9, 2023.

The LCS school board approved an articulation agreement between LCS and Tallahassee Community College (TCC) in the Career and Technical Education field establishing a relationship between LCS students and TCC’s Career Pathways specialists. According tot the document, “TCC will work with the high school to establish Career Pathways to serve Career and Technical Education (CTE) students.” The articulation agreement can be viewed here.

The LCS school board approved an articulation agreement between LCS and FAMU for the 2023-2024 school year that “provides accelerated learning mechanisms through Dual Enrollment for eligible LCS Students.” The articulation agreement spells out the policies required needed for LCS students to adhere to in order to receive college credit and accelerate their post-high school learning experience. The agreement can be viewed here.

During the public comment portion of the meeting, Superintendent Rocky Hanna was moved to tears after numerous parents and members of the community offered their support for Hanna as he is being investigated by the Florida Department of Education for allegedly allowing politics to influence his job as superintendent.

Board Members Rosanne Wood and Darryl Jones echoed their appreciation, and City Commissioner Curtis Richardson was in the audience when they gave Hanna a standing ovation thanking him for his work.

The board approved two items that established a Memorandum of Understanding between LCS and the Leon County Teachers’ Association (LCTA) approving stipends for LCS teachers “that have completed the Excellence in Civics Endorsement Courses provided through CPALMS.” Teachers will be receiving $3,000 if they complete the course. The MOU can be viewed here.

Similarly, the board approved 2023 Summer premium pay bonuses for LCS teachers between LCS and LCTA. “All Teachers participating in the Summer Learning Loss Recovery Program, Summer Reading Program, ESE Pre-K and Extended School Year Program, will receive a $300 premium pay bonus for each full week worked during the 2023 Summer Learning Loss Recovery Program. Teachers who work less than the full schedule in any week, will not receive the premium pay bonus for that week.”

ESE teachers would be receiving $500 for each full week worked during the 2023 Extended School Year program. The MOU can be viewed here.

The full meeting can be viewed here.

6 Responses to "Leon County School Board Meeting Briefs: May 9, 2023"

  1. Isn’t “Summer Learning Loss Recovery Program” just a fancier way of saying “SUMMER SCHOOL”? Did the Teachers who taught Summer School before get all those extra Bonuses? Where is the LCSB getting all this extra Money from, last I heard Rocky was wanting to raise Property Taxes because they needed more Money?

  2. Less than half the students in Leon County can read at their grade level (49%). I don’t know what planet all these people that think Rocky has done a good job are on, but it ain’t mine. And apparently, aside from being an incompetent boob, Rocky’s a crybaby too.

  3. Makes me wonder what sort of blind(progressives) parents believe politics weren’t the reason for Hanna’s decisions.
    You can not tell me he didn’t jump in line to buck against the wagon every chance he got.

  4. This summer learning loss recovery program looks like it just sprung up out of nowhere when the State announced their intent to punish Rocky for being such a slacker.
    Hopefully they wont be including drag queens in the summer learning loss recovery program.

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