The latest reports show that Leon County gained 508 jobs in April. There were 159,063 people working in Leon County in April compared to last month’s revised employment number of 158,555.
The April unemployment rate came in at 2.4%, down from the 2.6% reported in March. One year ago, the April 2022 unemployment rate was 2.8%.
The Leon County Jobs Report, provided below, shows the number of people working in April 2023 was 3,794 more than in April 2022. The April 2023 labor force – those looking for jobs – came in at 163,032, which was 3,302 more than the number reported in April 2022.

The chart below shows the monthly level of jobs in Leon County over the last 37 months with a 12-month average trend line. The highlighted numbers relate to employment levels for the month of April back to 2020.

What is the employed/population ratio? (number employed divided by civilian, non-institutionalized population 16 years or older… usually given by BLS as a percentage. Highest on record for male-type people was just over 88%.)
Look into the sky rocketing amount of folks on disability and disability payments since the advent of the “jabs.” The data is there. For the lucky ones who survived their jabs they may become incapable of working and drop out of the labor force.
While not the sole factor I’m sure, it certainly does not help the hiring situation especially when young people were told to get the Operation Warp Genocide jabs.
This may be the dirty little secret no one is willing to talk about.
All of the “Help Wanted” and “Now Hiring” signs suggest that there’s a labor shortage. The 2.4% rate reinforces that.
I’m left wondering how the people that aren’t in the workforce are supporting themself.
How do we compare to 2019, pre-Pandemic?
What is our current inflation rate history, yes, back to pre-Pandemi, as well as gas prices?