Tallahassee City Commission Meeting Briefs: June 14, 2023

Tallahassee City Commission Meeting Briefs: June 14, 2023

Below are the news briefs from the Tallahassee City Commission meeting that took place June 14, 2023.

Staff presented a bicentennial celebration planning update to the Commission. The Bicentennial Steering Committee plans to engage the community in the rich history of Tallahassee and Leon County over the past 200 years, and the vision of the community in the future. Staff explained that 2023 is the planning and development year for the bicentennial celebration that is set to kick off on New Year’s Eve at Cascades Park.

The Commission approved a number of items in the consent agenda. One of the items authorized the Underground Utilities & Public Infrastructure to submit an application for funding under the Hurricane Ian Hazard Mitigation Grant Program for the installation of generators at pump stations.

The Commission approved a grant funding application in the amount of $10,000,000 to the U.S Department of Transportation for Safe Streets and Roads for the Jake Gaither Community Pedestrian and Street Safety Improvement Project. Funding for this project will improve roadways and sidewalks in, and adjacent to, the Jake Gaither Community.

The Commission voted unanimously to approve introducing an ordinance to establish a Foreclosure Registry requiring the mortgagee of any real property subject to foreclosure to register that property with the City.  The first and only public hearing for this proposed ordinance will be at the City Commission meeting on August 23, 2023.

The Commission voted unanimously to approve two other ordinances. The first ordinance will establish a new Community Development District, and the second ordinance will rezone a 2.53-acre property located at 3333 Thomasville Road.

The Commission voted unanimously to approve the acceptance of a battery electric demand response vehicle from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). The City of Tallahassee has been given the opportunity to partner with the FDOT to acquire a new electric van for no cost. Additionally, this acceptance aligns with the goals of the City’s Clean Energy Resolution.

The Commission voted unanimously to approve the continuation of the FAMU U-Pass Agreement to offer Star Metro services to FAMU students with a valid student ID. Additionally, the Commission voted unanimously to approve an amendment between FSU and Star Metro for transit services to university-sponsored events.

The Commission voted unanimously to approve reserving up to $1 million in funding to support Phase III of the redevelopment of the Orange Avenue Apartments. The redevelopment project will replace 200 public housing units with a mixture of up to 410 units of public, low-income, and market-rate housing.

The Commission voted unanimously to allocate the remaining Griffin Heights Neighborhood First 2023 Fiscal Year funding of $122,500 to fund improvements to the John G. Riley Park.

The Commission voted unanimously to approve the Electric & Gas Utility to apply to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration for the 2023 Fiscal Year NGSISM Grant Program. The grant would provide an estimated $15,000,000 over five years. The funding would be utilized for the replacement of natural gas distribution infrastructure and the purchase of equipment.

2 Responses to "Tallahassee City Commission Meeting Briefs: June 14, 2023"

  1. WHY hasn’t there been generators at all the pump stations. About half of the Sewage Spills (Hundreds of Thousands of Gallons) is because the Pumps stopped pumping because of Power Outages.

    “an ordinance to establish a Foreclosure Registry requiring the mortgagee of any real property subject to foreclosure to register that property with the City.” ……….. THIS should also fall under the Insider Trading Laws since the City will have FIRST Knowledge of a Home being Foreclosed on.

    “The City of Tallahassee has been given the opportunity to partner with the FDOT to acquire a new electric van for no cost.” …………………. trust me, there WILL BE a Cost.

    “Additionally, the Commission voted unanimously to approve an amendment between FSU and Star Metro for transit services to university-sponsored events.” ………… Why not FAMU and TCC Sponsored Events?

    “The funding would be utilized for the replacement of natural gas distribution infrastructure and the purchase of equipment.” ………… The distribution infrastructure, is that Under Ground Gas Lines? I hope so.

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