TPD Make 27 Arrests in Enhanced Enforcement Operation

TPD Make 27 Arrests in Enhanced Enforcement Operation

The Tallahassee Police Department recently reported the results from an “enhanced enforcement” operation along North Monroe Street. Provided below are the details released by TPD.

Last week, between June 19 and June 23, the Tallahassee Police Department’s General Narcotics Unit conducted enhanced enforcement along Monroe Street which yielded 63 charges from 27 arrests.

Multiple TPD units worked collaboratively to ensure the success of this operation, including the Violent Crimes Response Team, Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving Squad, K9 Unit, Patrol, and the Technical Operations Unit.

Offenses from the operation ranged from violations such as possession of cocaine and methamphetamine with intent to sell, to soliciting an undercover officer for prostitution.

Additionally, on one occasion, officers initiated a traffic stop on a vehicle that was known to law enforcement, leading to a search that uncovered three illegal firearms. Two of the firearms were stolen and the weapons had also been modified to function as fully automatic. All three guns were loaded, concealed, and accessible for immediate use. One of the individuals arrested is 20-year-old Kamari Faulk, who has been arrested twice within the last two years. Each time he was in possession of a stolen firearm.

According to TPD, this is the second successful operation addressing Monroe Street this year. In February, TPD conducted an operation focusing on the North Monroe Street corridor which resulted in 22 arrests and seven firearms being seized.

14 Responses to "TPD Make 27 Arrests in Enhanced Enforcement Operation"

  1. Why the “faulk” has this guy been arrested twice with stolen weapons and still on the streets? Is this third time a charm? What happened to the supposed stiff penalties involving crimes and guns? They all pretend to be worried about law abiding gun owners and right-wing extremism, yet let people like this keep their freedom. Who is more likely to do you harm? This guy or a guy who voted for Trump twice? You know the answer.

  2. They should use a photo of the vagrant camp with debris and shopping carts littering the sidewalk on a Crowder 100 ft from this photo or one with the vagrants blocking the road. This is a good start, but we need more.

  3. Why aren’t they doing “enhanced enforcement” everyday? North Monroe and Lakeshore is an open air market for drugs and prostitutes, they could make 27 arrests everyday if they wanted to.

  4. Time to get these sub-humans permanently off the street. Way too much violent crime lately. Strict harsh punishment.

  5. Would have preferred to see a matrix of the mugshots, with names, or the contraband seized as the illustration, instead of a poorly Photoshopped pic of Monroe Street.

  6. Would have preferred to see a matrix of the mugshots, with names, or the contraband seized as the illustration, instead of a poorly Photoshopped pic of Monroe Street.

  7. Why is someone who has been arrested twice in the last two years with stolen guns still on the street? Maybe crime is so out of control is because the judicial part of law enforcement is lacking. Cops can arrest someone a hundred times but if prosecutors and judges don’t do their part by locking the them up with lengthy sentences it is just a joke to them. I’m sick and tired of people saying we have to coddle the criminals and give them restorative justice and diversion programs, that is garbage. Criminals need to be locked up where they can’t hurt innocent people.

  8. Good to see TPD out there shaking down a few bad guys. Its like running very visable speed enforcement zones where/when needed.
    Nothing like seeing a patrol car or LEO motorcycle come zooming past you with lights on and siren screaming in “hot persuit” of a speeder to make you a much better and safer driver for the next 30 days.
    It helps our locals make better future decisions.
    Believe it or dont this type of proactive law enforcement, be it busting druggies or speeders, saves lives and makes our communitty a better place to live. More proactive enforcement = less reactive enforcement and therefore is time and money well spent.

  9. I’m waiting for enhanced traffic enforcement. We lost another friend crossing Monroe Street right before Father’s Day. If you’re not dealing drugs, the major threat to your life in this town is careless motorists.

  10. Presumably, these arrests were made while the officers were wearing their pride pins which promote and spread cultural marxism. Such a terrible thing to do to these good officers and our community.

  11. I bet Kamari Faulk is glad we no longer have the 3 Strikes Law.

    What is with all the Pocket Units, “Violent Crimes Response Team, Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving Squad, K9 Unit, Patrol, and the Technical Operations Unit”, is this why you don’t have enough Patrol Officers?

  12. Sooner or later, the community must choose. Do you want a safe town to live in or do you want a Liberal Progressive Run Government. You cannot have both.

    TR completely over-looked reporting on one of Tallahassee’s fine outstanding Black Youth, Kylen Welch. Welch was arrested and charged with POSSESSION OF FIREARM BY DELINQUENT. He is the being charged as an adult. Welch is also suspect in the killing of two other black youth at the McDonalds store earlier this week. Apparently, consideration is being given to a Stand Your Ground Defense.

    Why Jack Campbell not know, by heart, that the Stand your ground law is not applicable if, and I quote, “The person who uses or threatens to use defensive force is engaged in a criminal activity”?

  13. Individuals with gun charges get a slap on the wrist and continue as repeat offenders. Honorable gun dealers have their licenses revoked by ATF for not dotting an I or crossing a T on paperwork. Anyone who thinks Biden isn’t coming for our guns lives in la la land.

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