CSC Director Proposes 2024 Property Tax Rates

CSC Director Proposes 2024 Property Tax Rates

On July 10th, the Children Services Council held their Budget and Finance Committee meeting. Executive Director, Ceka Green presented an overview of the proposed 2024 Fiscal Year Budget which contains various proposed millage rates of 0.375, 0.3477, 0.4375 and 0.5. Ms. Green explained that once the full Council has voted to approve the millage rate, the corresponding budget will be presented.

During public comment, Emily Fritz criticized the Council for the potential millage rate increase, stating, “I recommend you find out what the roll back rate is and present that as an option to the Council.” She went on to say that the public cannot afford another tax increase and suggested the Council change the way they spend their money stating, “Right now you’re scattering money all over the place and its very unfocused.”

Council Members Dr. Glenn and Ms. Cummings stated their support for keeping the current millage rate at 0.375 with both claiming the importance of having the funds to meet the needs of children in the community. However, Mr. Mitchell disagreed, and instead suggested rolling the millage rate back to 0.3477, which would result in the same amount of funding as the prior year. He stated, “We have lived within our means and I think we can show this community that we can that we can live within them on more year, and as we are getting our grove programmatically.”

Dr. Glenn asked whether the CSC funding was going to programs that addressed the same issues, or if the Council was spreading the dollars around in different areas. Executive Director Ceka Green said some of the programs could be addressing the same problems but in a different way. Ms. Green explained that the Council will continue to narrow down the number of programs that are funded, and will continue to learn as they have done in the prior years.

The Committee voted unanimously to approve presenting the proposed budget to the Council at the next meeting, without making a recommendation on a particular mileage rate.

10 Responses to "CSC Director Proposes 2024 Property Tax Rates"

  1. Studies show 50 per cent of families have no fathers. If the family had a bread winner, we the taxpayer would not have to subsidize our children. The CSC is nothing but a duplication of service already available to families. Can anyone show me a study showing all the money spent and directed to families? Again, FSU and FAMU are silent on any import issues or studies.

    How many of these children have cell phones? What does that cost?

  2. Keep in mind everyone….. The State Legislature voted to raise our Property Tax, the County and City want to raise our Property Tax, the LCSB wants to raise our Property Tax and now the CSC wants to raise our Property tax. If this keeps up, next we will soon have a “State Tax”.

  3. “the proposed 2024 Fiscal Year Budget which contains various proposed millage rates of 0.375, 0.3477, 0.4375 and 0.5.”

    Normally, the proposed rates should be in the article in ascending order to present an easy comparison to the reader. In the order shown, it looks like one (or more) contain a typo.

  4. I have less issues with the collection of taxes money than I do with the way its being given out to programs. Multiple processes under the guise of ” innovation” but no rhyme or reason as to why one process was chosen over another. Groups funded by simply asking while others fill out applications, score high only to be unfunded because people who never read their application or saw their presentation didn’t ” vote ” for them. One councilmember recusing herself while another does not for the exact same appearance of a conflict. Enough of this ” we’re new ” and “we’re hitting our stride ” nonsense. LISTEN to the public feedback about your short-comings and improve instead of defending indefensible decisions – get it together or get someone new who will – or get back on the ballot and get your feedback there.

  5. Raising taxes over and over will result in the affluent leaving the community leaving the poor intercity folks to enjoy their crime infested neighborhoods.

  6. “He stated, “We have lived within our means and I think we can show this community that we can that we can live within them on more year,” ……… If ANY of this were true, YOU WOULDN’T NEED ANY MORE MONEY.

    I pledge, if elected, to do my best to end this program.

  7. I said from Day One they will be raising our Taxes AGAIN because they do NOT have to account for how they spend it. END THIS WASTEFULL PROGRAM NOW. They don’t even have to account for what they DO as the CSC. ALL of the CSC Members need to be Investigated.

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