TPD Provides Info on Double Homicide, Hit & Run Death

TPD Provides Info on Double Homicide, Hit & Run Death

The Tallahassee Police Department recently released information related to a double homicide in Frenchtown and a hit and run death on West Tennessee Street.

2023-00146510 / 1100 Block Dade Street / Homicide / 9:20 PM (Aug. 22)

Officers responded to a call of a shooting in the 1100 block of Dade Street. When officers arrived on scene, they located two adult men suffering from gunshot wounds. Both victims were 18 years old. One victim was pronounced deceased on scene, the second victim died at the hospital. TPD’s Violent Crimes Unit has assumed the investigation.

Anyone who was in the area and may have witnessed the incident, or has home security systems that might have captured the incident, is asked to contact TPD detectives at 850-891-4200. This is an open and active investigation and there is no additional information to release at this time.

2023-00146602 / THI (Hit and Run) / West Tennessee Street and Nashville Drive / 12:29 AM (Aug. 23)

Officers responded to the area of West Tennessee Street and Nashville Drive in regards to an adult male lying in the roadway. The victim was pronounced deceased on scene. The involved vehicle fled the scene prior to law enforcement arrival.

TPD’s Traffic Homicide Unit responded to the scene and assumed the investigationAnyone who may have been in the area at the time of the crash is asked to call police. This is an open and active investigation.

7 Responses to "TPD Provides Info on Double Homicide, Hit & Run Death"

  1. “The city also passed funding for $5 five million over the next five years to reduce gun violence and Dailey said that was to make sure their efforts are sustainable year-in and year-out.”

    For $5MILLION, you can put 20 Police Substations in the High Crime Communities around Tallahassee, 4 a Year.

  2. You need consultants to tell you WHERE the problems are? Try talking with the Chief of Police. The City has a Web Site that tells you where each Crime has taken place, they even break it down by the Crime. It even tells you where the Sex Offenders are. 5 Minutes and you will KNOW where the problem areas are.

    Like I have said many times now……. $MILLIONS have been wasted on failed Programs over the Years, it is now time to us that Money on Putting Criminals behind bars for longer periods of time.

  3. But, community leaders! Activists! Prayers!
    Two dead in shooting at Dade Street Rec Center, follows “stop the violence” forum

    They called for more social workers and affordable housing. What we need is more officers and a stop and frisk approach.

  4. Via WCTV – October 2022.

    “Wednesday the city commission voted unanimously to pass their gun violence intervention plan.

    The city and Leon County will be working with consultants, reaching out to individuals and community groups that will be implementing aspects of this plan for input on where resources need to go to tackle this issue.

    “If we do it right, which I’m assuming that we will, as other communities have seen, we will see a drastic reduction in violent crime in our community,” said Mayor Pro-Tem Curtis Richardson. “Our community will be safe, our citizens, our residents, those that visit our community will feel safe wherever they are.”

    The city of Tallahassee has seen 92 shootings reported as of last Saturday. With the help of law enforcement, and academic experts the city has heard reports on the contributing problems to gun violence.

    Mayor John Dailey said while this was a major first step in the fight against gun violence, there’s still much work to be done to tackle a “holistic approach to the issue.”

    “We concentrate heavily on prevention, intervention in the moment but also restoration on the backend,” Dailey said. “That’s why you saw the city commission not only invest in GVI, but restorative justice on the back end and crime stoppers in the moment.”

    Dailey said that also includes investing in resources to deal with the healing process associated with victims and families impacted by these crimes.

    “We run a program called community connections, and we run a restorative justice program also in the schools,” Dailey said. “We need to teach the youth of today how to settle their conflicts in a non-violent manner. In fact we need to teach society how to solve their conflicts in a non violent manner.”

    The city’s three-pronged approach focuses on prevention, intervention and restoration. The city will fund $200 thousand towards restorative justice programs, $100 thousand to the Big Bend Crime Stoppers organization and $500 thousand toward a new Community Human Service Partnership (CHSP) category targeting gun violence.

    Dailey said GVI provides a road map to move the city forward and engage all stakeholders possible.

    Richardson said addressing gun violence and the safety of the community improves all aspects of life in the city.

    “Regardless of what it is, our economic sector, our neighborhoods, our colleges and universities parents decide where they are going to send their child to school based on the research they’ve done on how safe that community is,” Richardson said. “It will certainly have an impact on our colleges and communities when it comes to their recruitment.”

    Richardson said the benefits those improvements also stretch to tourism in the city and can be a pull-factor enticing visitors to come to Tallahassee and Leon County. On top of saving lives.

    “The leadership of the city is serious about this issue and we’re looking forward to working with citizens throughout this community in addressing this very serious problem,” Richardson said.

    The city also passed funding for $5 five million over the next five years to reduce gun violence and Dailey said that was to make sure their efforts are sustainable year-in and year-out.

    “The future is bright for Tallahassee but make no mistake about it, we have major hurdles and challenges that we have to tackle as a community,” Dailey said.

  5. I drove past the Circle K at Orange Avenue and Monroe and the fuel sign read 4.02 for diesel. I wanted to stop and fill up, but I kept on driving because there were too many people just milling around in the parking lot waiting for someone like me to pull in. I had to pay 4.20 in a safer location.

    Jackie Porter and Jeremy Matlow are galactic morons. I hope they both get robbed.

  6. @ Pat A… I feel your pain and frustration. I love the Travel Alert idea!

    The sad irony is that the weak and malleable little woke wussies will be the first ones to come crying to we law and order folks to protect them when all hell breaks loose. And from my observation, the local Republican Party apparatus is feckless and impotent. Their charge seems to be to support the less of the progressive evils, rather than stand up and fight the good fight.

    In Biden and the Marxocrat’s America… we are on our own. Crime and corruption rules… Keep your head on a swivel, watch your six, and count on yourself to protect you, your family, and your property. The pendulum will eventually swing to the right side of a civil society and culture. We can only pray that it won’t to late to save our Republic.

  7. Wake Up Tallahassee. Just because a Conservative cannot be elected today is no reason to roll over for the Liberals. We had better find a way to elect someone that cares about the decline of our community. And we had better do it soon.

    Our cops are second and triple guessed on their actions while criminals get off with a slap on the wrist. Back in the day, cops could shoot a suspect fleeing a felony crime. Today, a criminal can throw a knife and an axe at a cop but the cop cannot shoot him….because he is “disarmed”. It is B.S. Shooting are almost a normal everyday occurrence. Crime has crept up Monroe Street to almost Lake Jackson. The Pizza Boy, The Loser Attorney, The Girl who uses a Man’s Name, our Dorkie Mayor and that other Dude ain’t going to do $h1t about the problem.

    Conservatives need a plan. The local Republican Party should have stepped up on this issue years ago. The uneducated and unaware majority of the community needs someone to inform them that “last night we had another shooting”. Conservatives may not win the next election but at least lay the groundwork for the following election. Buy an Electronic Billboard and start listing the crime stats which are updated daily. Tell the public how their property taxes went up to buy Electric Busses that we may or may not get from a Bankrupt Joe Biden Backed Company. Put the Leon County Daily Booking Report guests of honor on their too. It is filled with troublemakers almost daily.

    How about the Republican Party of Leon and Gadsden County issue a Travel Alert for the 32304 area and Western Gadsden County. Because those areas are unsafe to be in especially after sunset.

    Or just stick your head in the sand like an Ostrich and just hope someone you love isn’t the next crime victim. The problem our community face will only be solve by getting tough on crime.

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