Stewart: Matlow Supported SOMO Walls Project with Vote for $750k, Now Sees “Criminal” Activity

Stewart: Matlow Supported SOMO Walls Project with Vote for $750k, Now Sees “Criminal” Activity

Ahead of a Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency (IA) vote on a request for economic development funding by the developer of the SOMO Walls project, City Commissioner Jeremy Matlow stated on X, formerly known as Twitter, that he believes “something criminal might be going on” with the project.

However, what has not been reported amid these accusation is that Matlow actually supported the project as late as June, 2022.

Documents reviewed by TR indicate that Commissioner Matlow supported the SOMO Walls project when he voted with four other Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) members to award approximately $750,000 in CRA funds to get the development off the ground.

He again supported the SOMO Walls funding in June, 2022 in another CRA vote. At that time, he voiced no concerns about “criminal” activity.

Just over a year later things have changed.

Based on his increased social media activity, Matlow’s is suddenly against the project in a very aggressive and accusatory manor.

While there are clear questions about the economics of the project – as voiced by IA Board member and Leon County Commissioner David O’Keefe – Matlow’s concerns have move beyond economics and has focused on the political dynamic and personal attacks.

It seems that since the developer of the project chose to support local candidates in the 2022 election cycle that opposed to Matlow’s political agenda, Matlow now senses “criminal” activity related to the project.

It is not enough for Matlow to make an argument against the project on economic grounds. No, as has been the case for years, Matlow has decided to make it political and personal.

Matlow has a history of interpreting policy disagreements as corrupt and openly questions the integrity of elected officials and local government employees.

Now he asking a number of IA Board members not to vote on the issue due to what he calls a conflict of interest.

It is time for an elected official to address Matlow in a public meeting about the accusations he posts on social media. Hinting at criminal activity ahead of a vote to gin up outrage should upset all elected officials.

Matlow should be asked – on the record – to detail the facts that support his accusations.

If Matlow’s antics go unchecked, they will continue.

12 Responses to "Stewart: Matlow Supported SOMO Walls Project with Vote for $750k, Now Sees “Criminal” Activity"

  1. This likely means that Matlow didn’t get a big enough cut.

    Corruption abounds and I don’t know why the FBI quit their investigations before they were through.

  2. TIL: Either Tallahassee reports is getting money from SOMO or whatever, or they just can’t stand that Mattlow might be actually correct about something that they sling mud.

    There certainly seems to be a lack of evidence that SCHLOMO has any expertise as building strip mall projects or revolving art door projects or anything else. So confused as to why TLR wouldn’t be in love with a city commissioner asking questions about a project, any project where public funds are being requested.

    I guess it’s just a big coincidence!

  3. There probably is criminality involved, it is Tallahassee after all. Having said that, I don’t like Jeremy Matlow, I don’t like the way he is always pointing his little sausage fingers at everyone every time someone disagrees with him. He’s an arsonist with a political agenda hell bent on destroying civil discourse, and if he has to slander, lie and betray the good citizens of Tallahassee to get it done he is down with the struggle.

    I know this… if I was a commissioner, and that little loudmouth called me a criminal on twitter? It would make his mouth so sore he would probably need to see a specialist before he could use it again. The sad part is, I don’t think any of those commissioners have a hair on their backside. And lil Jeremy knows it.

  4. From Patty:

    SOMO Walls
    This video will make you ?
    Wife is architect of the project
    He is chair of Grow Tallahassee
    Wife is pres and he is treasurer – per below video.
    His corporation is located in Marianna
    I don’t know the rules but HOW is a guy whose company is located in another county – allowed $2 M by the taxpayers of Leon county.
    The only property he owns in Leon is the SOMO property
    The majority of his business is in Turkey and some importing from China.
    He owns one Family Dollar shopping center in Marianna.
    —- Who knew that owning a small shopping center in little ole Marianna was so lucrative to be spreading his wealth amongst a not-neighboring county – city and county commissioners.
    Williams- Cox aide works for this guy
    All of the Blueprint board members receive $$ from this guy.
    Bugra runs Williams-Cox WEBSITE!
    Come. On. She should recuse herself.
    And not to conflate
    Why are our commissioners supporting someone who is denying the Armenian genocide. After writing he deleted his twitter account

    -Bugra Demirel, Chairman of Grow Tallahassee PAC, Dianne William-Cox’s Campaign Manager.

  5. As much as I despise ambulance chasers, I’d support a defamation suit against Matlow.

    Oh. And I’ve always been opposed to local government’s handing out money for their buddy’s pet projects.

  6. Is this a PR article paid for by developers who funnel campaign contributions to the Mayor, Curtis, and DWC through multiple corporations known as the bundlers?

  7. Matlow is 100% on point here, as he has been lately. Dailey and Richardson need to explain what they were discussing outside the Sunshine, and this may void the vote on Bugra’s project if it passes.

    We all owe Matlow a debt of gratitude for asking the hard questions on this suspicious activity. DWC and the other “Grow Tallahassee” endorsees should recuse. This project seems highly questionable and so does the establishment’s treatment of it.

  8. I think he has some claims that need to be taken seriously. Has Mayor Dailey or Curtis Richardson addressed their alleged violation of sunshine yet?

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