Leon County School Board Meeting Briefs: September 26, 2023

Leon County School Board Meeting Briefs: September 26, 2023

Below are the news briefs from the Leon County Schools Business Meeting held on September 26, 2023.

Staff gave a report on the Department of Safety and Security regarding the safe school assessments. Staff explained that throughout the school year several projects were completed to enhance school safety. These projects include, continued correction of dead spots on cameras, purchased and issued hand-held metal detectors at all secondary schools, implemented LCS Pup Patrol program for firearm protection and more.

World of Works will be held at Lively Technical College and TCC’s Campus. This event is a way for students to explore different careers and a have hands-on meaningful experience with employers. There are over 100 employers in Leon County who are taking two days to attend World of Works and engage with students. Some examples of what this event will offer to students includes, construction companies bringing cranes for races and TMH providing demonstrations of robotic arms.

Griffin Middle School is partnering with several groups to enhance the academic and career enrichment for the students. These groups include, 100 Black Men of America, Inc. — Tallahassee Chapter, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and A.S.P.I.R.E Capital Region.

The Board approved several new policies including, policy 7421 related to restrooms and changing facilities. The new policy explains a person may only enter a restroom or changing facility designated for the opposite (biological) sex to accompany a person of the opposite (biological) sex for the purpose of assisting or chaperoning a child under the age of 12, an elderly person, a person with a disability, or a developmentally disabled person. This policy will go into effect as of September 27, 2023.

The Board voted unanimously to approve advertisement of a new policy 8331, which establishes the procedures for review and approval of any online educational service that students or their parents are required to use at any part of a school activity in order to protect a student’s personal identifiable information.

The Board voted unanimously to approve advertisement of a new policy outlining the health services plan and describing the services to be provided. The policy also prohibits COVID vaccine mandates.

The Board unanimously approved the Memorandum of Understanding between LCS and the Leon County Teachers Association (LCTA) for the Florida Department of Education declaration of “Differentiated Accountability” (DA) schools. Differentiated accountability is a system of interventions for improving student achievement at low performing schools. Several schools in Leon County have been clarified as DA Schools. The Memoranda are required as a result of their DA status.

The Board voted unanimously to approve a Memorandum of Understanding between LCS and LCTA for changes and provisions to Article VII, Professional Assignments and Working Conditions.

The Board voted unanimously to approve a Memorandum of Understanding between LCS and LCTA for the UniSIG Supplemental Teacher Allocation provided by the Florida Department of Education. The Goal of Supplemental Teacher Allocation is to provide supplemental funds to recruit and retain highly effective and effective state VAM teachers who teach the most fragile students at Tile I, D or F schools in Florida. The following Schools have been identified, Apalachee Elementary, Riley Elementary, Astoria Park Elementary, Hartfield Elementary, Success Academy and Springwood Elementary.

3 Responses to "Leon County School Board Meeting Briefs: September 26, 2023"

  1. The kids and educational professionals in Leon Co. are so worn out from Desan-nuts and his culture wars that I expect these outcomes. Nobody cares that NON education professionals are telling teachers what to do. Nobody seems to care that even if masks don’t work, preventative measures like masks and vaccine mandates are necessary for a healthy society. Nobody cares that most parents send their kids to school hoping that no disgruntled kid with a gun decides to show up.
    C’mon folks! It’s common sense! Let the teachers teach! F$&k parents rights! They already had them! Teach our children!

  2. Wow Leon/Tally voters just Wow.
    Who are these people and what have they done with your woke folk, Rocky And The Groomers?
    The subjects these kidnappers covered in the recent meeting were 100% appropriate and proper for a School Board to cover. And when and where action was necessary the kidnappers actions were, again, suspesiously 100% appropriate and proper for a well meaning honest group of local citizens who are focused on whats best for: 1. our precious childern 2. our communitty and 3. in keeping with Florida State’s Statutes and Administrative Codes.

    I am asking the communitty for help as it appears someone has kidnapped Rocky and The Groomers and replaced them with normal, conservative, replacements who are behaving appropriatly and running the LCSB as it should be operated.
    Walt needs to make a welfare check at the residences of Rocky and The Groomers homes to determine if they are all safe. And Walt be sure to pinch their cheeks like Grandma did just to determine that those that look like the Groomers are not wearing clever Groomer masks.
    We either have a problem as described above OR there could be an election coming up real soon.
    This type of appropriate School Board behaviour is 100% the reverse of what Rocky and The Groomers past behaviour would indicate. So Leon/Tally I’m sure you all are in agreement and share my What Happened to Rocky and The Groomers concerns.

  3. “Differentiated accountability”, “system of intervention for improvement”, schools aren’t designated they are “clarified”…like butter. It’s no wonder Leon County Schools are producing functionally illiterate students. The people responsible for teaching them spend all of their time trying to hide all of their failures behind bs language like “Differentiated accountability”. How many schools have been “clarified”? Several is three to most people, if schools are “clarified” we should get a number…to be clear.

    Rocky can’t say we have three schools that are failing, and we are taking action to fix them. Because then he would have to fix them. So, he “clarifies” them with “differentiated accountability” and “systems for improvement of student achievement”. And while people are trying to figure out what it all means, the beat goes on.

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