Tallahassee City Commission Meeting Briefs: September 27, 2023

Tallahassee City Commission Meeting Briefs: September 27, 2023

Below are the meeting briefs from the Tallahassee City Commission Meeting that took place on September 27, 2023.

The Commission approved a number of consent items including, the approval for the City Manager to enter and execute a Maintenance Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation for enhanced landscape medians on North Monroe. This is subject to the Beautification Grant that Blueprint is pursuing to support the Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency North Monroe Gateway Project.

During the presentation portion of the meeting, the CEO of the Florida Housing Coalition presented the 2023 SHIP Award for Rehabilitation and New Construction Programs to the City of Tallahassee, praising the dedication and hard work of many city employees in attendance.

Two Commission members each appointed a person to the Citizens Police Review Board during the meeting. However, Commissioner Matlow noted he would wait till October 11th to make an appointment. Mayor Daily appointed Christian Minor, and Mayor Pro Tem choose Niya Hubbard for reappointment. The Board then voted unanimously to approve 5 other at-large appointments.

The Commission unanimously approved to introduce an annexation ordinance for a parcel located on Centerville and Pemberton Rd and set a public hearing for October 25, 2023. The ordinance will allow an additional geographic area under development that may provide ad valorem tax revenue to the City.

The Commission unanimously approved to accept $124,590 from the Florida Department of Emergency Management’s hazard mitigation grant to support Fire Station 17. The grant will provide a feasibility study for the extreme weather hardening of the fire station, which would provide an additional layer of resiliency to the building design.

The Commission unanimously approved to accept the report for Welaunee Toe-East, which results in more than 3,000 acres of open space in the Welaunee Critical Area Plan.

Mayor Pro Tem provided the Commission with an update regarding the West Pensacola Street corridor, after law enforcement among others met last week to discuss area. Ms. Williams-Cox explained TPD shared they will continue to work with Parks staff to take action relating to homeless camps and have provided extra patrols around the area. She went on to say, on behalf of the Kearney Center, the County awarded the Kearney Center nearly $500,000 to enhance their day services.

The City Commission voted 3-2 to adopt the Fiscal Year 2024 millage rate of 4.4500 and 1.0000 mills for the Downtown Improvement Authority. Mayor Dailey, City Commissioner Richardson & City Commissioner Williams-Cox for yes, while City Commissioner Matlow and City Commissioner Porter voted no. Both approved millage rates are greater than the roll-back rate of 3.8571 by 15.93%.

The City Commission voted unanimously to adopt the FY24 budget allocations for the City of Tallahassee. The approved budget will provide a 14% increase to the TPD budget and a 5% across-the-board pay increase to full time and OPS City employees.

The City Commission voted 3-2 for a Development Agreement between the City and Greenpointe Developers, LLC concerning the development of the property known as the Welaunee Heel.  The property is located north of US 90/Mahan Drive and east of Interstate 10 and is approximately 894 acres in size.  The proposed development contains residential, office, industrial park, and retail commercial uses.

Mayor Dailey, City Commissioner Richardson & City Commissioner Williams-Cox for yes, while City Commissioner Matlow and City Commissioner Porter voted no.

By statute, two public hearings are required for a development agreement The second public hearing is proposed to be scheduled for October 25, 2023.  

5 Responses to "Tallahassee City Commission Meeting Briefs: September 27, 2023"

  1. “Always More; Never Enough”… it’s the progressively-Marxist Democrat way. And there a far too many ill-educated and malleable leftist lemmings in this town for it to ever change. Welcome to Tallicago.

  2. Every one of those lying dirtbags needs to be fired come election time. And I will do my part to convince everyone I know to vote them out of office. And every time they have a meeting my job gets easier.

  3. Curtis Richardson never met a tax he didn’t love or a woman on the side of the road he wasn’t willing to drive on down to Church to seek help at 2 AM.

  4. We all know that you will be approving the Development Agreement between the City and Greenpointe Developers, LLC concerning the 894 Acres so, WHY go up on the Property Tax? With all these High Dollar Homes being built ($250K and UP) you should be rolling in money.

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