Leon County School Board Meeting Briefs: October 10, 2023

Leon County School Board Meeting Briefs: October 10, 2023

Below are the meeting briefs that took place during the Leon County School Board meeting on October 10, 2023.

The Board approved the revised Leon County Schools Inclusive School Guide for LCS employees. The revision to the guide were made in accordance with the recent changes to state law and rules. Of note, the guide changes the definition of “sex” to mean the person’s sex at birth and also removes any requirement for employees to use a student’s preferred personal title or pronoun.

During the public comments portion of the meeting, several Leon County School teachers came to speak out against the revisions made in the Inclusive School Guide, including Jennifer Koslow who asked the Board to include the terminology used by the CDC on sex as well as the State’s definition adopted by LCS to show the disjuncture between the definitions.

The Board voted unanimously to approve a public hearing for new policy language that outlines the responsibility of protecting all classified data/information collected by the district. The policy states that individuals who are granted access to data/information collected and retained by the district must follow established procedures so that the information is protected and preserved.

The Board voted unanimously to approve amendments to policy 5771 Search and Seizure. The policy revisions include language detailing search and seizure of students upon reasonable suspicion that they are in possession of a prohibited or illegal substance or object. It also provides guidelines on conducting search and seizures and the location where they can be conducted. This policy becomes effective October 11, 2023.

The Board unanimously voted to approve to advertise a Mental Health Services Policy, for public hearing and adoption on December 12, 2023. The new policy addresses implementing a school-based mental health assistance program that includes training classroom teachers and other school staff in detecting and responding to mental health issues and connecting to children, youth and families who may experience behavioral issues with appropriate services.

The Board voted unanimously to approve the settlement agreement between the School Board of Leon County and TAMKO Building Products LLC f/k/a/ TAMKO Building Products, Inc. for the roof of building 9 at Fort Braden K-8 School.

The Board voted unanimously to approve a $1,310.00 salary increase for Exempt Personnel for the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year. The salary increase will be retroactive July 1, 2023.

4 Responses to "Leon County School Board Meeting Briefs: October 10, 2023"

  1. What about a raise for the Paraprofessionals school aide etc. This is really sad working close to the students then they are and always get over looked.

  2. “Of note, the guide changes the definition of “sex” to mean the person’s sex at birth and also removes any requirement for employees to use a student’s preferred personal title or pronoun.” ………… This says all that needs to be said, WHAT other Terminology is needed?

  3. The fact that Ms. Koslow trusts the CDC after they have repeatedly lied to everyone concerning the efficacy of their “vaccines” disqualifies her to teach anyone.

  4. And once again TR leaves out the votes on the LBGTQ guide while providing the record for the other items. This is why our community has trust issues with this media outlet-in it for themselves and political power for friends. For the record the lone republican, Susie Gym Socks, moved the agenda item forward and it passed 3-2 with the two dems in opposition of passing the guide. If you want to be a reliable news source for Leon County hold your friends accountable and report the FULL story. I would also suggest our School Board we get back to reading, writing, and arithmetic. #dobetter

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