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The Tallahassee City Commission is moving ahead with a review of the city’s charter. The process will unfold in time for a vote in the November 2024 election.
A manhunt started yesterday after a state inmate escaped his worksite in Apalachicola. It us suspected that the inmate, Robert Rutherford, is armed and dangerous wit ha machete. The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office said Rutherford walked off from his work crew site at the 10 Foot Hole just before 2 p.m. The 10 Foot Hole is just off the Big Bend Scenic Byway Coastal Trail and Battery Park.
On Tuesday, Terry Ryan, the Co-Founder of Tallahassee Sewage and Wakulla Basin Advocacy Group, will appear on The Steve Stewart Show at 12:15 p.m. on Real Talk 93.3 FM.
TPD announced that the officer who was shot on September 25 responding to a call on Sandpiper Street is now in a rehab center after being shot in his femoral artery suffering massive blood loss. Three arrests have been made a result of the investigation.
Three individuals were left with injuries as a result of a shooting from 1:00 a.m. Sunday. Tallahassee Police Department says its officers responded to the ACASA Apartments, located at 1303 Ocala Road. No arrests have yet been made and the investigation is still ongoing.
Florida State wide receiver and punt returner Keon Coleman was named the ACC’s Special Teams Player of the Week Monday after returning six punts for 107 yards against Syracuse.
Florida State baseball will host Mercer Friday, October 20 in an exhibition game at Dick Howser Stadium. The game is free to fans and will begin at 5:00 p.m.
Florida State Rep. Randy Fine called on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to use the state’s existing laws in order to curb anti-Israel rhetoric. Fine was particularly focused on student-led groups on college and university campuses who participated in pro-Hamas demonstrations. He said that any student who participated in the rallies should be treated like a student who yelled the “n-word” at black students and called for them to be lynched.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis vowed to admit “zero” people from Gaza as calls for the West to admit Arab refugees increased. He continued by saying that in general, anyone who is “anti-Semitic, anti-American” or has “other toxic views,” that “they should not be admitted.”

Count back the years to when Debbie Lightsey was a City Commissioner. All commissioners, except Mark Mustian, voted themselves $100,000 in Deferred Compensation and I believe it extended to other ‘high up’ city officials as well.
Richardson Williams Cox and Dailey just raised our property taxes and now want to give themselves a pay raise. That’s what “full time commission” is, paying the politicians more. Could end up with 7 commissioners making $100,000k like the county
I’ve been alive long enough to know that the current Palestinian Israeli conflict is an extension of a brother against brother fight dating back to Abraham. The same rhetoric, the same arguments, the same passions and international reactions.
During the lulls between wars, the few points of light are ignored or assassinated and the frustration and hatred builds and lingers until the next explosion.
I condemn Hamas as a terrorist organization. The slaughter of innocence is pointless and only serves to solidify hate.
But peace will only come through good faith. In the interim, the world should isolate the parties until they run out of ammunition and throw rocks at each other.
Crime. They took away the cop’s night stick/baton and replaced it with pink insignia Badges. And we are about to waste another million dollars on think tanks hoping to stop crime.
A 27 year old has not the experience or knowledge of the era when crime wasn’t a problem. The last person I would seek serious counsel from is the guy that makes pizza for a living. Nor would I employ a lawyer that accepts used furniture for services rendered. Yet Tallahassee does.
The situation our community and county face isn’t the result of failed attempts. The situation we endure is a planned event. What we face is the planned result of wacko liberal progressive officials.
Today is the results of well planned actions of government. In the end, everyone will realize that our best time are behind us and we should have steered ourselves back toward how we used to do things.
Where else can a “dead beat Dad” get the taxpayers to buy him an Electric Bus so he can get a free ride?
“He continued by saying that in general, anyone who is “anti-Semitic, anti-American” or has “other toxic views,” that “they should not be admitted.” ”
Our governor just described every member of the Democrat Party…the leader of the Leon county democrats is the most hateful, toxic little creep in Florida.
@ jack quillman = You ask ” how did this kiddy porn find it’s way into our schools ?” My theory is, Wokeness played a big part as well as the School Board Members not wanting to be labeled as being Anti-LGBTQ.
Moms for Liberty: Southern Poverty Law Center has deemed us as – an extremist, anti governmental organization. I say, “us” because, I’m a NBM ( a Non’Birthing Mother ). Having been a very – very *closeted NBM — I’ve come “out”.
Our Moms meetings and I’ve been to all, have never questioned my party affiliation. The group size varies each meeting –nobody demands membership. You can voluntarily say the pledge of allegiance. The Mom’s are an eclectic assortment of concerned parents and voters who actually give a damn -as to by whom and how our schools are run. The common thread is, schools do not co-parent.
BTW-The local press has done a real disservice to our community using the book banning narrative, Billy Jean King’s book ( which was approved by the School Board) was was hardly the poster child of the crude prose that has infiltrated our K-12 schools. Having submitted several books to LCS, and were I quickly pulled – -the question still remains – how did this kiddy porn find it’s way into our schools ?
There is no book banning. Those parents who want their child subjected to sexually heightened reading material ……just go buy it –online, with your money !
Jack NBM
* in the famous words of Norm Macdonald
DeSantis is 100% correct. A big NO to taking in any Gaza refugees. No to importing hatred of Jews. No to importing hatred of America. No to importing hatred of western civilization. No to importing supporters of terrorism. No to importing hateful ideology.
This country has already been poisoned with an ideology of false guilt and self loathing. Enough is enough!
I am proud to be an American. I am proud of our Judeo/Christian foundation. Our politicians need to protect our country or be voted out of office.
@David — The entire state of Florida is run by a part-time Legislature that does NOT meet more than 10 months out of the year. There’s no reason that a local government our size cannot run efficiently one or two days per month. (Except, of course, for their own self-important attitudes.)
I find it disturbing that even the slightest negative remark toward someone that is black will get you shouted down as a racist but the same people doing the shouting have no problem with their own antisemitism.
SO, if the City Commission becomes Full Time, will that mean they will be required to be in their Offices from 8 to 5 Monday through Friday and be accessible to the Citizens? Does it also mean that they will have to give up their other Jobs that take up most of their time? I do think that they should be Elected to a District, not a Seat. Divide it up into 4 Districts and let the Mayor be an “At Large”. Four District Lines should extend out from the Capital and not be overly complicated.
Think about sending the PRO-Hamas Demonstrators to Gaza to be with the Hamas People.