Citizens Address Staff Comments, Inclusive Guide, & Sex Definition

Citizens Address Staff Comments, Inclusive Guide, & Sex Definition

Below are summaries of citizen input from recent meetings of the Tallahassee City Commission, Leon County Commission and Leon County School Board.

Resident Addresses City Commission with Comments about Mistreatment by Staff

On October 11, Stanley Sims (a man who frequently attends Commission meetings) aired his grievances to the City Commission during their regular meeting. Among many things, Mr. Sims claimed the city’s management has an “obsession” with him. Sims then referenced the previous Blueprint meeting where City staff had ridiculed Mr. Sims in a group chat. He stated, “That puts me in a hostile environment, a set up environment. After the last Blueprint meeting, your Chief of Staff went to the security demanding that they throw me out of the building.” He went on to explain that he is scheduled to speak with the new HR Director about the events. Sims claimed city staff is “on the same road” to put out more false allegations. Additionally, Sims noted he has to closely monitor what he does in fear of the Commission spreading more lies.

Teachers and Citizens Speak to School Board about Definition of Sex and Book Approval Process

On October 10, several teachers and citizens came to speak about the recent changes made to the Leon County Inclusive School Guide for LCS Employees. One of the changes made to the Inclusive School Guide includes changing the definition of “sex” and removing the requirement for employees to use a student’s preferred personal title.

One teacher claimed the original guide helped children not to feel alienated at school and noted it also helped her child when he socially transitioned in the eighth grade. Additionally, she asked the Board to add the CDC’s definition of sex as well as the state’s definition. However, another speaker felt differently stating, “This is just pushing the idea that this is real. That someone can be of another gender than what they are born with. It’s ridiculous and its child abuse.”

Another parent expressed her frustration with the new system to approve books in Leon County Schools. She noted that many teachers that teach different languages are having trouble finding media specialists who can approve their books. She went on to explain that her daughter’s Latin teacher has closed off the bookcase in his classroom due to not being able to find a media specialist who can read Latin to be able to review and approve the books.

Speaker Addresses County Commission about Upcoming World of Works

On October 10, Corrie Melton spoke on behalf of the Talent Development Council during the Leon County Commission meeting. She explained that 9th graders will attend World of Works where the students will have hands-on experience with 100 different employers. She emphasized that, “We need our students, as you know, to know about the great careers and opportunities that are here in our region.” 

11 Responses to "Citizens Address Staff Comments, Inclusive Guide, & Sex Definition"

  1. Erwin Jackson = Yes, that is correct Mr. Jackson but, I was only talking about Commissioners. Thank you for getting that Ball rolling. Mr. Sims is learning what you went through.

  2. David Hawkins: Actually three individuals went to prison due to city corruption ( Scott, Paige and JT Burnette). Rick Fernandez, city manager was remove on ethic charges!

  3. News Maven: that watershed moment to me came when they shut down Beertown on Tennessee street and turned it into a Miami Subs.

  4. Taxahassee voters are fine with high property taxes, skrewel administrators/educators grooming their kids, spiking crime, graffiti, poor garbage collection, electing corrupt politicians and paying for the Fake News that supports them. Can anyone come up with a “watershed” event that would snap the ignorant majority to its senses?

  5. Sewage spills, city manager bullying disabled citizens at public meetings, mayor and two city commissioners join in the bullying, high crime rate, and taxpayer dollars going to special interest project after special interest project. They even go as far as to openly designate the city manager to direct in the funneling of CSC funds to special interests. Just let them dig themselves in deep enough and and maybe they’ll stop digging.

    My guess is the needle is moving slightly more red at the supervisors of elections office. Keep digging…

  6. These teachers are doing nothing more than supporting the longer mental health problems these “transitioning” kids have. I’ve really got to wonder about some of these parents that encourage their child’s development of a “new gender”.

    If you didn’t know, looking between your kids legs at birth and tell what gender your child is, I’d question your mental health also.

  7. What is with the School Board’s and some Teacher’s obsession with sex and minors? No wonder graduates cannot read, write or perform basic math.

  8. To put it in easy terms for everyone. Boys are born with Poles and Girls are NOT. If a Doctor does not know that then he is NOT a real Doctor and should be arrested for impersonating a Doctor.

    If you were born a Male, you will forever be a Male. All Males have some amount of Feminine in them, some more then others and some a lot more then others. All Females have some Tomboy in them, some more that others and some a lot more then others. It’s a fact of life and it’s OK.

  9. One would think that the City Commission would have learned from the Dr. Erwin Jackson Years. Dr. Jackson help show the People AND the FBI all the Corruption in the City Commission where one went to Prison and TWO dropped out by not running for Re-Election and one went down in disgrace. Thank you Mr. Sims for what you do.

  10. It seems like all this school board falderal stems from the teacher’s belief that boys can get pregnant if they want to. When I went to Rickards in 1979 there were no issues with LCS and coincidentally no one in their right mind believed in transgendered anything.

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