Tallahassee City Commission Meeting Briefs: October 25, 2023

Tallahassee City Commission Meeting Briefs: October 25, 2023

Below are the Tallahassee City Commission news briefs from the meeting that took place on October 25, 2023.

The Commission unanimously approved amendments to an Ordinance that allows for a more thorough process and transparency for companies and civilians whose cars have been towed. The towing companies are asking for the ability to increase fees for trespass towing and a $35 fee when a dolly is needed for the safe towing of a vehicle. Further, roam tow hours were changed from midnight to 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. to benefit individuals with reserved parking spots.

The Commission unanimously approved an amendment to an Ordinance concerning the locations of fraternity and sorority houses. The amendment now prohibits fraternity and sorority housing in nine zoning districts where they are currently permitted. The amendment explicitly lists fraternity and sorority houses as an allowed use in two zoning districts where they are currently permitted: the University Transition zoning district and the Central Core zoning district.

The Commission unanimously approved amendments to the Ethics Code as a result of the 2023 Legislative Session. The State law now requires elected municipal officials to file a “statement of financial interests” also known as the Florida Ethics Commissions “Form 1” financial disclosure on an annual basis.

City staff gave a presentation on the Midtown Stakeholders Committee’s work since 2021 and reported that the Committee was scheduled to sunset on March 24, 2024. However, members of the Committee expressed concern that the staff did not give them adequate time to review the report prior to the presentation. The Commission then unanimously passed a motion to give the Committee more time to review the report and to make sure City, County and Blueprint staff working on projects in the midtown area are coordinating and communicating with the Committee.

The Commission unanimously approved a grant funding application in the amount of $1,280,000 to the U.S. Department of Transportation. If this grant is received, the funds will improve roadways and sidewalks in and adjacent to the communities surrounding Eisenhower Street and Mabry Street Railroad Crossings.

The Commission unanimously approved the renewal of existing maintenance and lease agreements associated with the operation of City technology for the 2024 Fiscal Year in the amount of $1,496,621. These agreements also provide ongoing hardware and software support and upgrades to the City’s infrastructure resources. Additionally, they will improve the City’s hardware platforms, software and firmware.

The Commission unanimously approved to provide services to the 50 years of Hip Hop Celebration Concert event taking place November 10, 2023. The services include, the use of the Anita Favors Plaza at Lake Anita, a waiver of fees for the Park, sanitation services before and after the event, road closures and barricades, and marketing assistance. The Commission also voted to honor rapper T-Pain by putting an honorary marker in the location where he grew up in Tallahassee.

5 Responses to "Tallahassee City Commission Meeting Briefs: October 25, 2023"

  1. Can we get an Honorary Marker for the groups “The Doors” and “Creed” since they got their start in Tallahassee, on West Tennessee Street. It was in their MTV Biography “Behind the Music”. It can be placed on West Tennessee Street by Bullwinkles.

  2. I have been sick all week and got to watch this Meeting a couple times. I highly recommend to everyone to watch THIS Meeting. I don’t think I have ever been this disappointed in the City Commissioners than I am right now. A few Citizens put them in their place but I am sure it didn’t faze them one bit.

  3. Witness a City in rapid decline as a result of the progressively-Marxist Democrat agenda. I expect we’ll soon see a unanimous approval of a plan to vacate ALFs and other senior citizens facilities – along with a hefty check from the taxpayers bank account – to house the treasonous Dementia Patient Pedo-in-Chief’s and his Party’s new slaves… illegal alien criminals.

  4. Kind of surprised you did not mention the curiously timed, transient technical ‘problem’ experienced right as Mr. Sims was going to speak. In a crazy coincidence, the computer that displays images or videos brought in by speakers had a ‘glitch’, *right after* the CIO walked up to the station and had a talk with the people running it! That was weird. And totally unrelated to the speaker coming up!

    Thankfully, the problem was ‘fixed’ soon thereafter, and the commission could *everyone else’s* presentations. But man, what a wild ride of unlikely coincidences! Maybe the $1,496,621 that got approved for technology improvements can be put to use to try to keep that kind of thing at bay next time.

    What a bunch of scumbags. If they had any shame, they’d resign out of embarrassment.

  5. An Honorary Marker for T pain. On the same day the Robert E Lee Statue in Charlottesville was melted into slag. Coincidence? I think not.

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