City Commission Meeting Briefs from November 8, 2023

City Commission Meeting Briefs from November 8, 2023

Below are the news briefs from the Tallahassee City Commission meeting held on November 8, 2023.

The Commission unanimously approved a number of consent agenda items awarding contracts for various engineering and construction services and consultants. One item was pulled from the consent agenda– the recommendation for a State and Federal Lobbying Contract — which the Commission approved after discussion.

The City Commission unanimously approved an amendment to the City Attorney Employment Agreement. City Attorney Cassandra Jackson gave notice of her intent to resign from the position of City Attorney and to continue serving as a consultant/employee through June 1, 2024.

The Commission approved (3-2, Matlow, Porter in dissent) a motion to schedule a public hearing in December related to an amendment to the Ox Bottom Meadows Planned Unit Development Concept Plan located on 36.37 acres at the Northwest corner of Ox Bottom and Thomasville Roads. The amendment will allow for fast food and fueling stations as uses in the Thomasville Road commercial areas. However, several Ox Bottom residents spoke out against the amendments. One resident noted there isn’t a need for more gas stations in the area and expressing her concern for the disruptions that fast food and gas stations would cause for the residents.

The Commission unanimously approved the renaming of the Gemini Building in honor of former Tallahassee Mayor John R. Marks, III. The item states that John Mark’s legacy is deeply rooted in the community, and holds the distinction of being the first African American elected to the position of Mayor in Tallahassee.

The Commission unanimously approved in-kind services in support of the 50 Years of Hip Hop Celebration Concert in the amount of $49,500. The in-kind services will come out of the remaining Fiscal Year 2023 Gun Violence Intervention Funding. The item states this event will provide a contest for local artists to write a song about stopping gun violence in the community, and the contest winner will be able to perform their written song at the concert in front if the community.

The Commission unanimously approved the 2023 Tallahassee Community Resilience Plan update as presented by Adam Jacobs, Chief Resilience and Sustainability Officer, and authorized staff to apply to FEMA for a BRIC Grant for the Lincoln Center Resilience Hub.

12 Responses to "City Commission Meeting Briefs from November 8, 2023"

  1. Mr Ed

    Calling people names does not change the fact that your friends Curtis Richardson and Dianne Williams-Cox are tied to special interests that they put before the citizens they took an oath to serve.

    Their decisions are bringing Tallahassee down. The only thing they have brought Tallahassee up on is CRIME.

    I thought you had the intelligence level to discern that the messenger has no direct responsibility for the bad news so perhaps you should redirect your concerns to the perpetrators.

  2. Mr Ed

    Your silence is deafening regarding your friends Curtis and Williams-Cox’s ties to special interests and their mistreatment of the city attorney.

    It must be a war within your mind and a battle within the heart to remain silent.

  3. Matlow-Porter definitely more conservative on not raising our taxes and wasting $1.8 million on a crazy distillery proposal, Blueprint insanity etc. Better for conservative view than these so-called “moderate” insider Chambercrats who are extreme in their support of graft.

    counting on property tax raise Yes voters Williams-Cox, Dailey and career politician seat hopper Richardson to deliver for common sense… now that’s fool’s gold

  4. @ Proud… you should know by now that in Tallahassee, you’re not allowed to criticize the progressively-Marxist Democrats like Matlow and his gal-pal… it makes Weedhead very angry. 😉 … she actually thinks they’re conservative… lmao

  5. Proud

    It was a good quality video with accurate information, but perhaps you should take a second look at and apologize. It’s citizens like you who can’t discern and look the other way. You owe Jeremy Matlow an apology.

  6. Does Jeremy Matlow always try to talk like/sound like Matthew McConaughey in the movie Fool’s Gold. IMO that illustrates his immaturity and his lack of experience. Thus why Tallahassee has the problems it has.

  7. The “Marks Building?” It should be the “Marx Building.” Like Karl, the Communist. It would be even better if there were a well-known crook by that name other than John.

  8. After Erwin Jackson exposed Mayor Marks’ corruption, it is an abomination to name the Gemini building after him.

    Still waiting on a sewage spill update.

    No coverage on misconduct of the City Manager, Mayor, two city commissioners, and an assistant city manager? The misconduct seems to be coming from the city manager who has created a culture of misconduct towards his own staff and the public at large.

    Hopefully, TR will do an exposé on the need for the nationwide search for a legitimate city manager, not one entrenched in the corruption to buffer and ensure that kickbacks from special interests remain in the pipeline. It is literally caused the spewing of sewage through this pipeline.

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