LCS Agenda Review Addresses Book Scans, KCCI Project & Curriculum Challenges

LCS Agenda Review Addresses Book Scans, KCCI Project & Curriculum Challenges

On November 13th, the Leon County School Board held their agenda review/workshop meeting.

KCCI provided the Board with a presentation on the Crosswalks to Classrooms initiative. KCCI is a local non-profit that focuses on citizen driven placemaking projects. This year KCCI choose to focus on a project to enhance pedestrian safety. KCCI partnered with 7 schools in the County to implement 14 different artistic crosswalks that have been proven to slow down traffic. KCCI staff noted that on Dempsey Mayo Road alone there are 3 elevated crosswalks and artistic crosswalks. 

Staff updated the Board on the book scanning progress, noting that 290,000 books for classroom libraries have been scanned. Of those books, staff has approved 91,500, and there are approximately 97,000 books are left to scan. Staff explained that two book scanning systems will merge together soon, and once this is done the scanning process should be around 65% complete.

Staff gave a presentation to the Board on several policy amendments that will be voted on in an upcoming meeting to comply with state law. One of the policies specifies information about challenges to adoption or use of instructional or library material. The policy states the Board has 30 days to set a hearing once an objection has taken place. The hearing officer will have 14 days to make a decision and the final decision will come to the School Board. However, the hearing officers will no longer be used for library materials under the amendment. 

Staff explained there are several policy revisions to comply with state guidelines that have enhanced parents’ rights. One revision explains if a drug or medication has been approved by the FDA, the school may distribute the medication to students. Additionally, there is a New World Scholarship provision regarding students with reading deficiencies. The policy would provide that the school must notify the parent of any child with a reading or math deficiency to comply with state statutory requirements.

Vice Chair Roseanne Wood asked if there was a process for a person to object to the Board’s final decision after a book has been removed by the Board. The School Board Attorney explained there is no formal process for someone to challenge why a book was removed according to the policy.

2 Responses to "LCS Agenda Review Addresses Book Scans, KCCI Project & Curriculum Challenges"

  1. The schools cannot be trusted to medicate your children. They can’t even teach them to read and write. Why would you think they care one wit about your child? They have all proven their politics are much more important than your brat kid…

  2. Why would a School be the school may distributing medication to students? I remember a while back that Students would get Suspended if they gave another Student an Advil.

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