Leon County Commission Meeting Briefs: November 14

Leon County Commission Meeting Briefs: November 14

Below are the Leon County Commission meeting briefs that took place on November 14, 2023.

The Commission unanimously approved the re-organization of the Leon County Commission, electing Carol Cummings as Chair and Brian Welch as Vice Chair effectively replacing Nick Maddox as Chair.

The Commission approved an amendment extending the term of the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Tallahassee and Leon County related to managing and controlling illicit discharges to the County’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System. During discussion, Commissioner Bill Proctor expressed his distaste for the County funding the City to investigate sewer spills the City causes.

The Commission unanimously approved an amendment to the agreement between Leon County and the Florida Department of Transportation for the County to provide additional funds in the amount of $398,529 to expand the design for the Spring Hill Road Bridge replacement from two-lanes to four-lanes. All of the County’s costs related to this project will be reimbursed by the Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency. During Discussion, Bill Proctor explained the resolution for the item was problematic because it stated the project would make the road safer, noting the changes being made to the road were not substantial.

Upon discussion on the update of the Southside Sewer Service Extension Update, Commissioner Bill Proctor made a motion to direct staff to provide strategies so that the people who live in the Urban Services Area may receive sewer services. The motion passed unanimously.

The Commission discussed an information item regarding the sale of mobile home parks and the requirements to notify residents and afford them the first right of refusal to purchase the land on which their home is located before a manufactured-mobile home park could be sold to any third-party buyer. Commissioner David O’Keefe made a motion to adopt the proposed legislative priority related to the sale of manufactured and mobile home parks. The motion passed unanimously.

The Commission accepted the overview of the Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency’s organizational structure. During discussion on the item, Commissioner Brian Welch noted he is not ready to make any dramatic changes to the structure of the Blueprint AI Board and wants the Board to work out their differences. However, Commissioner Caban noted his issue lies with the Blueprint attorney. He explained that the attorney was too controlling of the meetings. Several other members also expressed their issues with the Blueprint attorney as well. The Commission accepted a report on additional homelessness information and directed staff to bring back an agenda item to consider an ordinance that authorizes law enforcement to enforce solicitation and panhandling prohibition on private property

9 Responses to "Leon County Commission Meeting Briefs: November 14"

  1. Wow Hope… ill-informed and judgmental much? You might want to consider taming that left-wing Marxist attitude of yours. I’m certain Saul would be proud, but hey… use a little cover sometimes. 😉

  2. Mr Ed

    You have an allegiance to corruption, say nothing, defend them, vote for the them. And have a hatred and arrogance towards those who live in a mobile home. Got it.

  3. Lighten up, Hope, I actually agreed with you on some points…and read slowly next time, “ Many, not all, people who live in the mobile home communities around Tally …”

    Learn to accept that there are differing viewpoints in this crazy world… you’ll feel better about yourself, I promise.

  4. “During discussion, Commissioner Bill Proctor expressed his distaste for the County funding the City to investigate sewer spills the City causes.”

    Commissioner Proctor is correct… the county taxpayers should not have to pay for the city’s negligence for city sewage spills.

    Mr Ed

    Your criticisms of trailer parks and the people who live there are abhorrent. Yet you remain silent regarding the corruption of Mayor DAILEY, Dianne Williams-Cox, and Curtis Richardson…. Progressive Marxists.

  5. So… if I have this right, and I believe that I do…

    * Rather than punish and/or hold accountable those responsible for “illicit“ sewage dumps, we’ve decided to use taxpayer funds to simply “manage and control” the results of their “illicit” acts. Hmmmmmm…. It’s like blaming the gun instead of the shooter.

    * $400k just to “expand the design” of a bridge? Ahh yes… the icing on the cakes of consultants and contractors; Change Orders.

    * Staff needs to come up with a “strategy” on how to provided water and sewer services?… here, let me save you some time; Right of Way and pipes. There’s your strategy. Buy me a coke and we’ll call it square.

    * Many, not all, people who live in the mobile home communities around Tally do so as a last resort. They’ve destroyed their credit and rental history such that they have no other choice but to rent a poorly insulated sheet metal box in need of major repairs. No background checks required. They can barely afford the rent and high cost of utilities. Many are also illegal aliens who use the taxpayer cash they’re haded when they illegally invade our country – along with a phone, loaded EBT Card, Medicaid card, and Democrat voter registration form – to buy the dilapidated tin can. Again, no background checks required… just a one-page BoS and a cash transaction… it happens every day in this city/county run by progressively-Marxist Democrats.

  6. What happens when the residents of the southside part of the city, who have been on septic tanks and wells get their first utility bills with a water and sewer charge? Will they start screaming ‘water and sewer’ poverty…

  7. Half of the people on the commission have double digit IQ’s, they can’t stand their own attorney, one of the nitwits actually thinks he can sell trailer parks to the residents who can’t pay their rent, Proctor doesn’t want to fix the county’s sewer because he thinks someone else broke it…

    We are being led by the worst people in our community. We would have better results choosing our leaders from the student body at Hartsfield elementary school.

  8. Here’s an idea:
    Invite our dear Commie leader Winnie the Poop to Tallahassee so our local commissars will be incentivized to clean up the streets and remove graffiti.

  9. The topic of Central Sewer Services happens every Election Year and that all, TALK, that is all that happens. The City and County should have been laying Sewer Pipes underground for Decades now to where they knew and know where they were going to allow Subdivisions to be built and made the Developers hook into the main line and run the System into those Subdivisions and to each House.

    Spring Hill Rd. is two lanes from Orange Ave. to Bloxham Cut Off in Crawfordville. I am going to assume that widening the Bridge from 2 lanes to four is because of the plans to use Spring Hill for the Airport Gateway instead of cutting a Neighborhood in half. Also, THIS is what the Blue Print is for.

    Most people living in a Mobile Home Park are Renting the Mobile Home which are usually owned the the Park, and most of the Mobile Homes in those Parks that have sold are 60’s to 80’s model Homes. Most Mobile Home Parks in Leon County (and City) have between 20 to 50 Mobile Homes and a lot of those Renters are subsidized by the Government. The last few that have sold went for over a $1,500,000. Maybe Commissioner O’Keefe and others needs to go to these Mobile Home Parks and talk with the Tenants to get a feel on just how they would be able to BUY the Park and run it. Owning the Park is a Business, and their are Bills to pay each Month, which mean People will need to be hired for Office Staff and Maintenance Staff. Company Vehicle, Equipment will all need to be maintained and don’t forget Road Repairs.

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