Leon County Children’s Services Council Changes Funding Priorities

Leon County Children’s Services Council Changes Funding Priorities

On November 6th, the Leon County Children’s Services Council (CSC) – in a press release – announced the group would change their funding priorities for the upcoming year.

The document describes that the CSC members have collectively decided to move away from funding all eight impact areas, and instead focus on just one or two areas for the upcoming fiscal year. The release noted, “This narrowing of focus is intended to invest more dollars for solutions that address root causes of certain issues, like Kindergarten Readiness and Youth Mental Health.”

The release stated that “Currently, CSC Leon is limited in how fast it can responsibly distribute funds for various impacts areas due to its small staff, big goals and required procurement laws.” The document continues to explain that through discussion, the council members agree that funding decisions should be “data-driven and specific” as well as making sure programs have accountability measures associated with the outcomes the CSC hopes to influence moving forward.

The discussions amongst council cembers led to a “deeper understanding of short-term versus long-term outcomes and the necessity of funding programs to accomplish both.” The document acknowledged that many of the problems that children in Leon County face today are ones that start at home, stating, “One cannot impact something as straight forward as Kindergarten Readiness unless you remove the barriers to learning like hunger, health, and well-being. And that starts with ensuring families have the strongest foundations possible.”

Additionally, the announcement states, “It is our collective responsibility to ensure all understand – Council Members and the general community at large – that the big changes we are seeking to make will not happen overnight. Additionally, they will not happen in isolation, these issues have persisted for generations, and addressing them will take time and sustained effort.”

The CSC’s funding priorities will be decided at their next meeting in December.

4 Responses to "Leon County Children’s Services Council Changes Funding Priorities"

  1. “It is our collective responsibility to ensure all understand – Council Members and the general community at large – that the big changes we are seeking to make will not happen overnight… these issues have persisted for generations, and addressing them will take time and sustained effort.”

    Ah yes, the word-salad version of the Marxist Democrat cry, “Always More; Never Enough”. Brace yourselves folks… it’s only the beginning of this boondoggle fleecing of we taxpayers. All under the guise of, “its for the children”.

  2. Leon County taxpayers need some relief with higher insurance rates and cost of living. How about dissolving this duplication of services pass through agency and give homeowners a break? Don’t forget to write to your commissioners about keeping Blueprint strictly for infrastructure, before you know it CSC will be siphoning off money from Blueprint to fund more staff and office space.


    Here’s an idea:
    COT should publish a list of the orgs that “need funding” on their website (which we’ve already paid for) and let the taxpayers decide who they FREELY want to donate to. Could even run PSA’s on TV with the list.

    Tired of forced taking of our money to fund issues which we had zero to do with causing.

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