CRTPA Retreat to Focus on School Safety, North Monroe

CRTPA Retreat to Focus on School Safety, North Monroe

The Capital Region Transportation Planning Agency (CRTPA) will hold an annual retreat on Tuesday January 16, 2024. The agenda notes that two of the issues to be addressed include safety for students accessing schools and safety improvements in the North Monroe corridor.

School Safety Project

The meeting agenda notes that the CRTPA is currently conducting a Safe Access to School Study to promote safe walking and biking conditions for students to access their schools throughout the region.

CRTPA explains that Safe Routes to School is a “national approach that promotes walking and biking to school though enforcement, tools, safety education, and appropriate infrastructure to allow students to access their schools via sidewalks and bicycle facilities.”

The project is being conducted in two phases. During Phase I, all public elementary, middle and high schools will be evaluated to identify which schools have the highest need for improvements related to biking and walking facilities. This Phase includes a detailed prioritization to identify up to 10 schools for further evaluation.

Phase II will utilize the schools identified in Phase I, and will include a focused safety and accessibility analysis. This phase will include site visits and will identify recommended improvements for biking and walking conditions. Phase II will also include engagement with students and parents at the selected schools.

Additionally, CRTPA states that “This study is expected to streamline Safe Routes to School funding requests made through the Florida Department of Transportation by local agencies and community partners.” Once identified, the project team will make recommendations for infrastructure and programmatic improvements specific to each of the identified schools based on data analysis and feedback from parents, teachers, and students.”

The project began in October 2023 and is expected to conclude by November 2024. Further information on the selected schools will be made available on

North Monroe Street Safety Plan

The retreat will also address the recently initiated CRTPA North Monroe Street Safety Implementation Plan. The project is being developed to identify safety improvements along the N. Monroe corridor from which funding will be pursued.

The project was initiated after an analysis was performed to identify the roadway’s within the CRTPA region with safety concerns. The analysis resulted in the identification of a High Injury Network (HIN) for locations with identified safety concerns. One of the roadways identified on the HIN was US 27/North Monroe Street.

Based upon N. Monroe Street’s inclusion on the CRTPA’s HIN, a study was initiated in December 2023 to focus on needed safety improvements for the corridor. Specifically, the study is evaluating North Monroe Street from Tharpe Street to Capital Circle, NW, a distance of approximately seven miles.

The study will identify needed safety improvements on the corridor and, ultimately, result in the development of an implementation plan of needed improvements. The study’s development includes meetings with corridor stakeholders as well as a public meeting to present study findings. Funding of identified improvements is anticipated to be pursued including through development of an application seeking federal SS4A funds.

The study is anticipated to be completed by July 2024.

2 Responses to "CRTPA Retreat to Focus on School Safety, North Monroe"

  1. Why do they need a Retreat? Why cant they use the City Commission Meeting Room on the 2nd. Floor of City Hall? I don’t know what else you can do for North Monroe except more Sidewalks and teaching people how to cross the Street in a timely manor.

  2. Rick Minor’s, the County Commission, and County Administrator’s failure is the North Monroe Corridor. Analysis, study, rinse and repeat.

    Still waiting for the convention center, the performing arts center. They spend taxpayers dollars at the Sandestin and Amelia Island resorts… their only accomplishment. You get what you vote for.

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