Superintendent Candidate Joe Burgess Supports Teacher Pay Raise

Superintendent Candidate Joe Burgess Supports Teacher Pay Raise

On February 6th, Joe Burgess, principal of Chiles High School and candidate for Leon County School Superintendent released a statement in support of teacher pay raises, stating, “It’s time to pay teachers a livable wage.”

This announcement was released as negotiations between the Leon Classroom Teacher Association (LCTA) and the Leon County School District remain ongoing. The bargaining began in April of 2023, with the LCTA Association proposing $6.7 million for salary raises and the District offering them $4 million.

Burgess’ announcement stated, “Our educators are the backbone of the Leon County School District, and they give back each and every day they are in the classroom shaping the minds of tomorrow. It is time we make teachers a priority.”

On January 23rd, several teachers gathered at a Leon County School Board meeting to express their frustration over the current pay structure, demanding fair compensation. Many veteran teachers claimed they were not being valued by the School Board and by Superintendent Rocky Hanna.

Burgess continued, “For many teachers, they simply cannot afford to remain in the profession. I have heard from those who are working multiple jobs and those struggling to make ends meet with their current salaries. If our administration leadership is accepting a nearly 7% pay raise, it is only right that we deliver the same to our teachers. Also, we are not rewarding our veteran teachers, and by consequence we are quickly losing their talent, wealth of knowledge, and invaluable experience in the classroom.”

Lastly, he said, “To Leon County educators– I am standing in your corner. When we invest in keeping talented teachers in the classroom, we are investing in our students and families.”

6 Responses to "Superintendent Candidate Joe Burgess Supports Teacher Pay Raise"

  1. Most of the blame for poor student performance lies with the parents. It is their job to make sure their child, behaves, listens , and strive for excellence.
    This is a problem that has been going on for generations within a certain segment of the population and is getting worse. Hence, those who can afford it choose private education for their children.

  2. There is a contender for a School Board position District 2. This is a back to basics candidate worth watching. Fingers crossed.

  3. Give them one substantial raise and if the students test scores don’t make an across-the-board improvement in every category in one year, they have to give it back or find another job.

  4. Snidely’s voting guide for Leon County’s School Superintendent:

    After much research, deep thoughts, and consultation with local folks much smarter than me – here is my Comprehensive Guide on who is the abslout best qualified and most deserving of your vote in the epic up-coming battle royale for you, The Citizens of Leon County Florida’s vote for School Board Superintendent.

    Snidely’s Documentary on The School Board Race in Leon County, Florida:

    Anyone But Rockey
    Anyone But Rockey
    Anyone But Rockey

    Thank you everyone. SW

  5. Yes, the current pay structure sucks and need to be revamped to look like an actual pay structure. With that said, our Students also need to be at Grade Level with their Studies, Reading, Writing, Math, English, American History, World History.

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