Leon County School Board Meeting Briefs: February 13, 2024

Leon County School Board Meeting Briefs: February 13, 2024

Below are the news briefs from the Leon County School Board (LCSB) business meeting held on February 13, 2023.

The Board unanimously approved the tentative agreement between the Leon Classroom Teachers Association (LCTA) and the Leon County School District for the 2023-2024 Compensation Proposal, Memorandum of Understandings and language revisions to the 2022-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement. All employees within the LCTA bargaining unit shall receive a $575 increase to their base pay; and $100 per year of creditable and verified experience prior to the beginning of the 23/24 school year. The pay increase will apply to those employed at the time of ratification and will be retroactive to August 2, 2023.

Superintendent Rocky Hanna expressed his gratitude to his colleges and gave his comments on the agreement stating, “That $1.2 million dollars we added to this to get this deal done and to get our people paid was the right thing to do. But I’m just going to be bluntly honest, we’re going to have to make some cuts in July.” He continued, “At the at the end of the day, this was the result of us listening. We addressed the issue of compression and we addressed the issue of trying to push more dollars to our veteran teachers.”

The Board unanimously approved to advertise a new policy to fully inform parent and legal guardians of the details of any school sponsored event or activity and requires schools to provide parents and legal guardians with a permission form.

The Board unanimously approved to advertise amendments made to a policy regarding parliamentary authority. The revision states, “The Board Chair may speak on any subject before the Board without relinquishing with Board Chair and shall vote on all matters.”

The Board unanimously approved to advertise a new policy regarding the disclosure of security policy and crime statistics. This policy will require the School Board to publish an annual security report containing policies and statistical information of crimes that occurred on campus and on the public property within and immediately adjacent to school-owned buildings and property.

The Board unanimously approved the contract between the Florida Department of Transportation for the Leon County School Board to provide training services through the Lively Paratransit Instructional Program.

The Board unanimously approved the updated Leon County School Sustainability Committee By Laws and Membership. The purpose of this Committee is to continue to promote the incorporation of environmental and sustainable goals and practices onto the operations of Leon County Schools.

The Board unanimously authorized to negotiate with Childers Construction Co. for new construction, demolition, additional parking, enlarged holding pond and site work for Griffin Middle School. The total estimated construction budget for Griffin Middle School is $44,840,000.00. additionally, Superintendent Rocky Hanna noted that over the last seven years, the School District will have spent or committed to have spent over $184,000,000 at Title I schools.

Superintendent discussed the financial challenges related to addressing teacher salary increases. Hanna was responding to the a query regarding the timing of teacher salary negotiations. Hanna noted that commitments cannot be made without recurring dollars and those dollars are dependent on the Florida legislature and enrollment.

Hanna told the Board that LCS is still being impacted by the expansion of charter programs and that student enrollment is not growing. Hanna said it would be financially irresponsible to commit to teacher salary increases before understanding the revenue side of the equation.

2 Responses to "Leon County School Board Meeting Briefs: February 13, 2024"

  1. So WHO approved spending $500,000 of our taxes to build an esports room at Nims?
    Exactly how will playing video games teach the disadvantaged brats reading, writing or arithmetic?

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