Leon County Commission Approves Funding for Council on the Status of Men and Boys

Leon County Commission Approves Funding for Council on the Status of Men and Boys

At their April 9 meeting, the Leon County Commission voted to approve -on behalf of the Leon County Sheriff’s Office – funding to support the Council on the Status of Men and Boys for FY 2024 from the City of Tallahassee in the amount of $300,000 and $70,000 from the Leon County School Board.

In 2022, the Council on the Status of Men and Boys (CSMB) was established to identify and provide direct support to men and boys at the greatest risk of becoming a victim or perpetrator of violence in Leon County. CSMB is also tasked with providing the comprehensive community effort to reduce homicides and non-fatal gun violence among males in Leon County.

According to the agenda item, during the FY 2024 budget development process, the Sheriff requested three stakeholder agencies (County, City, LCS) to each provide one-third of the funding to support the CSMB’s in FY 2024. The FY 2024 CSMB personnel and operating cost were projected to be $277,000.

Following the funding commitments made by the County, City, and LCS to support the CSMB personnel and operating expenses for FY 2024, the total funding through each agency combined will total $277,000.

Additionally, during the April 26, 2023 City Commission workshop, the Sheriff provided an update on the CSMB and requested continued funding from the City to support the program. During the workshop the City opted to redirect $300,000 in funding previously earmarked for a different program which was an initiative aimed at reducing crime, to instead support efforts of the CSMB. A portion of the funding ($115,000) would support the CSMB’s FY 2024 personnel and operating expenses, and the remaining $185,000 would support a new Boys Post-Suspension Support Program proposed by the Sheriff.

The CSMB will continue to seek additional grant funding to support ongoing costs and thereby offset the financial support provided by the stakeholder agencies.

7 Responses to "Leon County Commission Approves Funding for Council on the Status of Men and Boys"

  1. What is the CSMB Personnel Cost and Operating Cost? What items are considered “Operating” Cost? What exactly doe the CSMB do?

  2. The money they waste on this BS should be spent on truant officers. A third of Leon County students are chronically absent and functionally illiterate. They need a truant officer at every middle and high skrewel. The “council on whatever” is a monumental waste of time and money.

  3. This is nuts. It’s not the job of government to raise children. Its the job of government to make its citizens safe. The money the LCSO is pouring down the CSM&B rat hole should be spent on enforcing the law and arresting and incarcerating the people who violate it.

  4. Didnt I recently see a stat that only 17 youth were succrssfully helped? Glad they were but program is missing hundreds if not thousands of others in dire need of help. Direct funds elsewhere to more successful programs!

  5. Where is the evidence this program is working. The “men and boys” mostly means black men and boys. If the community could get their arms around black crime, they could significantly reduce crime overall.

    So why do so many black men and boys get in trouble? A big part is children being born out of wedlock. That results in no father in their lives. Then the Welfare State takes over and rewards unwed mothers. And the father gets off the hook for child support.

    Our County is in debt. The Social Security Program isn’t full funded. The welfare state is gigantic and gets larger every day as more illegal immigrants are flown into the Country by Joe Biden or walk across the open border.

    Our liberal progressive officials had better start getting to the root of problems instead of gaslighting the ignorant voter. But that assumes they actually want to solve the problem.

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