City Commissioner Jack Porter Addresses TPD Chief Revell, Recent DUI Case

City Commissioner Jack Porter Addresses TPD Chief Revell, Recent DUI Case

On April 10th, 2024, Tallahassee City Commissioner Jack Porter made comments critical of TPD Chief Revell related to a recent DUI case which resulted in a guilty verdict.

Porter addressed Chief Revell, noting she wanted to put on record that, “I don’t feel safe personally when I think about the chief of police making disparaging comments about me.”

Additionally, Porter addressed the footage stating “As to the video, I was disturbed by what I saw. I was disturbed by the response from our Chief. I’m disturbed by the singling out of my colleague and a member of the public.”

Porter continued, addressing recent comments made by Chief Revell stating, “I’m disturbed by the way I feel personally disrespected by you Chief Revell in public comments you made about me and my colleague Commissioner Matlow. I’m not surprised by that disrespect but it’s disappointing, and I think it demonstrates the disrespect not only for us as individuals but the public who elected us.”

Lastly, Porter finished her comments stating, “We have real concerns we need to address, and I believe we’re working towards them but instead of working with the community in good faith, taking seriously when there are concerns, you know, when we dig our heels in, it just makes things worse. And it does our law enforcement and our community a disservice when we do that.”

24 Responses to "City Commissioner Jack Porter Addresses TPD Chief Revell, Recent DUI Case"

  1. how many cops does Tallahassee really need between TCC FSU FAMU Capitol FDLE FHP all having separate police departments. These city pension obligations will be in the billions, look at Jacksonville. pretty soon the city will be nothing but ticket writers

  2. When will the Pro-Hamas Progressives, Matlow and Porter, be organizing their “We Support Terrorists” and “Death To America” rally?

  3. respect is earned. you have failed to give normal people a reason to respect you. the disrespect you feel is your own fault.

  4. Jack Quillman
    August West & Jack Porter-“you can’t be that Fragile and be called Jack”. Real Jacks – were the equivalent to being called “Bro” for several generations . Jacks have been maligned and generally abused, Jack requires a thicker skin. Ms. Porter, a suggestion, default to “Jackie”.
    I should know. 🙂

  5. While I don’t agree with everyone’s political leanings on both the city and county commissions I do appreciate anyone who is not afraid to stand up to our own “swamp” we call local government. The continuation of all the insider workings needs to be eliminated.

  6. Ms Mary, Politicians want to make more money. If she and Matlow voted against the raise it was because they knew it would pass. If someone ask you, would you like your salary doubled? What would you say.

  7. Thank-you JOHN for bringing some common sense to this discussion. Up to now, it’s been nothing more than a contest to see who can concoct the biggest, nastiest criticism of Commissioner Porter without presenting any factual information to justify their belief.

  8. I think Porter Matlow Keefe Proctor are all sanctimonious performing for the cameras. Now Chief Revell is now playing for them too. He should have never started or returned fire on this back and forth because its not something that is good for the PD.

    Democrap politicians and a police chief walk into a political fight thats not good for somebody with a contract extension every 14 days with a job to lose and a 400 department full of cast and characters with their own agendas scouting for their bosses jobs(TPD long standing tradition). Matlow started this but now Chief can’t “win” he can only lose. Stupid games…

  9. Proud Rural Jack voted against the pay raise. Doubling the politicians’ salary was proposed by Dianne Williams-Cox and supported 3-2 by Curtis Richardson and John Daily

  10. I saw where Chief Revell addressed Jeremy Matlow but haven’t seen any comments about Jack Porter. Where can we find these comments?

  11. She quite possibly shouldn’t have jumped into the fray with half of the background information.
    It takes a big person to say “Maybe I misread that”, but she won’t. I personally see this as herself ‘digging in’.

  12. Well, Jacqueline, I don’t feel safe personally when I think about a corrupt city commission using taxpayer funds to pay for her political trips to out of state Leftist oriented meeting.

    Pay your own way, “Jack”.

  13. Porter needs to be removed from office. She is a disgrace to this community. Chief Revell and his officers do an outstanding job of keeping the community as safe as they can while dealing with the bigotry of Porter and Matlow and other Progressives. Imagine putting your life on the line and working your butt off to deal with out of control crime that is encouraged by Democrats and you don’t even have the support of members of your city council. That is disturbing.

  14. When an elected official disparages a member of the Police Department and such disparaging is not warranted, such elected official can expect a resounding defense of the Chief of Police’s Officer(s) which may include a rebuke of that elected official…which, in this case, was well warranted.

  15. You can’t be called Jack and be that fragile… definitely a Jackie. Tell us who is paying for all of your travel Jackie.

  16. It is outrageous the salaries city employees (city manager and others) for a small town. Commissioners want a raise? They’re paid too much now.

  17. Well Jackie, maybe the proposed $45,000.00 raise you want to give yourself will help get over your rage.

    Democrats always make the Criminal a Hero and the Cop the villain.

  18. it ain’t Pizza boy and Porter shutting down Blueprint meetings early. The disrespect is coming from inside the house. The cat and mouse thing with so-called progressives is fine but the Big Three lost me when they raised my taxes

  19. She and Matlow are the 2 most disrespectful elected officials in the area. As elected officials, they should work harder to set the tone and strive for more positive discourse when dealing with others.

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