The Leon County Commission (LCC) voted unanimously to accept a report on the preliminary budget overview which included performance raises for all employees averaging 3%. The FY2025 estimates indicate a revenue increase of approximately $15 million. This estimate is based on a 6.5% increase in property values which, under the current millage rate, would result in an additional $11.84 million in property tax revenues.
Approximately $9.8 million of the new revenue would be allocated to law enforcement. The estimated growth in the Sheriff’s budget is currently higher (9.52%) than the projected property tax growth rate. This increase is largely associated with the costs to increase the base pay for sworn officers to $60,000 and the final implementation of the officer step plan.
The LCC voted unanimously to approve increases for both dental and mental health reimbursement rates for the County’s health care program. The vote increases the dental reimbursement rate from $125 to $175 to include diagnostic and ancillary costs such as laboratory and X-ray services; and increases the mental health reimbursement rate from $80 to $210 for mental health professionals (e.g., psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, etc.) to align with Medicaid rates.
The LCC accepted a status report on the County’s goal to convert 30% of its light-duty fleet to fully electric vehicles by 2030 and the ongoing investments of charging infrastructure at County facilities. The agenda item noted that the aspiration of achieving an even higher percentage such as 50% or 75% in the next five years would require the County to replace existing vehicles that still have useful life and require additional funding for the extra vehicles and charging infrastructure.
The LCC voted unanimously to revise the County’s parental leave policy to provide eight weeks of paid leave at 100% of the employee’s rate of pay following the birth or adoption of a child. The revised policy provided full compensation for the first two weeks of parental leave followed by incremental reductions through week six. However, on January 23, 2024, the Board requested a review of the Parental Leave Policy to compare the County’s paid leave benefit following childbirth and/or adoption to the recent benefit changes adopted by the State of Florida for State employees.
The LCC unanimously approved the current blended employee/employer health insurance cost share split (80/20 for family). The agenda item noted that maintaining the current employer/employee health insurance premium cost share, the FY 2025 budget would include a $965,000 increase from FY 2024 for all County and Constitutional employees. Changing the employer/employee cost share percentage to 90/10 would result in approximately a $1.7 million increase.
The LCC unanimously approved $150,000 to construct a ground-level water tank at the Volunteer Fire Department station on Smith Creek Road in western Leon County. The approval will provide enhancements to improve Volunteer Fire Department (VFD) response readiness and fire service delivery including constructing a ground-level water tank at the VFD station on Smith Creek Road.
It isn’t the time to raise taxes but This group loves to raise taxes. Increase property taxes equal increase rent payments And they haven’t gotten them memo that outlines Electric Vehicles are a bad investment.