Tallahassee City Commission Meeting Briefs: May 8, 2024

Tallahassee City Commission Meeting Briefs: May 8, 2024

Below are the Tallahassee City Commission meeting briefs from the May 8th, 2024.

City commissioner voted to accept the Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.

After hearing an overview of the City’s approach to regulating parking, elected officials decided to get feedback from neighborhoods before considering an item that would eliminate all parking requirements for new developments. City Commissioners Matlow & Porter were prepared to vote to eliminate parking requirements.

City Commissioners heard an update the Public Safety Camera Initiative. The Tallahassee Police Department is embarking on a public-private camera partnership which will allow businesses and individuals to share surveillance video with TPD. The shared video will be used by the Capital Region Real Time Crime Center to respond to and solve crimes.

City Commissioners received an update the Tallahassee MSA Rankings among the 2023 Leading Metro Locations. According to Area Development, “The leading metro areas are those poised for long-term growth and are often hubs of high-tech industry, where workers may benefit from an affordable cost of living.” These rankings reflect the City’s focus on economic growth and further position Tallahassee for future economic success as one of the country’s prime areas for business investment and job creation.

City commissioners voted 5-0 to adopt an ordinance 24-Z-04, thereby amending the Ox Bottom Terrace PUD Concept Plan, to increase the number of currently allowed single-family, 2-family, and multi-family residential uses from 126 to 302 units.

City commissioners voted 4-1 (Matlow against) to adopt an ordinance No. 24-O-18, authorizing the placement or installation and use of speed detection systems on roadways within the jurisdiction of the City to promote compliance with speed limits in school zones, and to adopt a quasi-judicial system to enforce violations.

City commissioners voted 5-0 to amend an ordinance to give the City Commission the authority to approve street renaming requests within incorporated areas of Leon County.

City commissioners voted 3-2 (Matlow, Porter against) to adopt a proposed charter amendment concerning commissioner compensation. The amendment would set the annual salary of the members of the City Commission to an amount equal to the salary set by state law for the members of the Leon County Board of County Commissioners.

City commissioners voted 5-0 to adopt a proposed charter amendment regarding the jurisdiction of the Tallahassee Independent Ethics Board. The amendment would expand the jurisdiction of the Independent Ethics Board to include the members of the City Commission when they are serving as board members of outside governmental agencies by reason of their city commission roles.

City commissioners voted 5-0 to adopt a proposed charter amendment regarding two-candidate elections. The amendment provides that if only two candidates qualify for a seat on the City Commission, there will be no primary for that election, and the race will be decided at the general election.

City commissioners voted 5-0 to adopt a proposed charter amendment regarding periodic charter review. The amendment would require the City Commission to convene a charter review committee and conduct a review of the charter every ten years, beginning in June 2033.

5 Responses to "Tallahassee City Commission Meeting Briefs: May 8, 2024"

  1. with Dot we get a chance for the first time since ’90s relatively sane Era to really do something different. Cloudy Curtis is checked out, Mayor Flintstone has given up walking out on meetings, Dianne obsessed with forcing a pay raise… enough already

    Voters will choose throwing out the last of Maddox’s city admin, Reese Goad appt which was seconded by Richardson back in 2018 lame duck commission “Insiders Get their Man” was the TR headline. Jeremy and Porter are the realistic avenue for reform and Dot is plainly a better choice than Curtis

  2. The school detection system will probably be like the ones in Thomasville. Active in school zones 24/7 and not just when the school zone flashing lights are active. I know because of a ticket received for speeding during a non school zone time. This looks like another traffic light camera scheme.

  3. Don’t be fooled people. The only reason the two Pro-Hamas Progressives voted against the proposed charter amendment concerning commissioner compensation (aka: their raise) is because they knew the votes were there to pass it anyway.

  4. You Voted to increase the number of currently allowed single-family, 2-family, and multi-family residential uses from 126 to 302 units in the Ox Bottom Pud Plan? On how many (or few) Acers will those 302 Units get built on?

    The Speed Detection Systems that you are wanting to install at School Zones, will they be hooked up the School Zone Flashing Lights and be activated only when the Flashing Lights begin Flashing?

    If you want to Rename a Street, you should also Cover ALL Costs to those Living on that Street and those that have a Business on that Street plus a little extra for their Inconvenience. It is costly and a hassle for People and Businesses to make that Change.

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