Leon County Commission Meeting Briefs: May 14,2024

Leon County Commission Meeting Briefs: May 14,2024

Below are the briefs from the Leon County Commission meeting on May 14, 2024.

Commissioner Bill Proctor pulled an agenda item regarding the ratification of Board actions taken during the previous Budget Workshop. After discussion, the Board passed Proctor’s motion 4-3 to create an agenda item to increase travel cost by $3,000 which would be brought back to the Board at their next Budget Workshop for consideration.

The Board received a lengthy status update by staff on Leon County’s preparation, response, and recovery efforts related to the recent storm. During the discussion on the agenda item, the Board approved a substitute motion (with Commissioner David O’Keefe in dissent) made by Commissioner Christian Caban to, “Empower the County Administrator with a million-dollar budget to create a micro grant program that we can award to homestead owners (and renters) and small businesses in our rural community.”

The Board unanimously approved up to $175,000 of Emergency Rental Assistance funding to support the funding request from the Tallahassee Housing Authority to produce a master plan for the redevelopment of the Springfield Apartments located in the Griffin Heights Neighborhood.

The Board unanimously voted to award the bid for the LeRoy Collins Leon County Library Main Library second floor improvements project to OmniCon Corp., the lowest responsive bidder, in the amount of $1,554,530. The project is anticipated to begin in July 2024 and be completed March 2025, and the Main Library will remain open during construction.

The Board unanimously passed an agenda item that approves a Local Agency Program (LAP) Supplemental Agreement with Florida Department of Transportation, a resolution authorizing the LAP Agreement, and a budget amendment to realize the additional funding for the construction and construction engineering inspection for the Miccosukee Road Bridge Replacement Project. The project was awarded to Sandco LLC, in the amount of $3,399,654. The project is for the removal of the exiting bridge and to construct a new two-lane bridge-culvert.

During the Citizens To Be Heard portion of the meeting, the Board received some pushback from a group called “Friends of the Miccosukee Greenway” who view area development as a threat to the Greenway and are currently working to defend the land. After some discussion, the Board unanimously approved a motion for an agenda item to come back in a future meeting on creating a Miccosukee Greenway Canopy protection corridor regarding road design and in an around the Greenway.

The Board unanimously voted to adopt the resolution to abandon the 60-foot-wide April Road right-of-way (ROW) totaling approximately 5.9 acres, located between Apalachee Parkway and Old St Augustine Road contingent upon the approval of the Citrus Grove Planned Unit Development. The cost for the County to improve the current April Road ROW would be approximately $3.3 million.

The Board unanimously voted 6-0 to adopt an ordinance creating the Citrus Grove Planned Unit Development (PUD) for 149.35 acres located between Apalachee Parkway and Old Saint Augustine Road between their intersections with April Road. The applicant is represented by Robert Volpe and Darrin Taylor of Holtzman Vogel, and the owner is St. Joe Company, LLC, with Jorge Gonzalez listed as the company president. 

6 Responses to "Leon County Commission Meeting Briefs: May 14,2024"

  1. true facts David. only a fool thinks local government should cover for St. Joes power players any more than right of way etc. they should pave. Will be voting for you!

  2. The LeRoy Collins Leon County Library Main Library second floor improvements, the Meeting Rooms, are they big enough to hold 30 to 60 People and can they be Reserved? ALSO, the Media Production Labs, Will someone be able to bring their Digital Cameras in and Edit the Video’s?

  3. How much Travel does the Commissioners do in a Year that needs an extra $3,000 a Year?

    What will the $Million-Dollar Micro Grant Program be used for?

    Did I read this right? $175,000 of Emergency Rental Assistance Funding is going to be used for the Tallahassee Housing Authority to produce a Master Plan for the Redevelopment of the Springfield Apartments? SERIOUSLY?

    Please make the Miccosukee Road Bridge a little wider this time, by about 8 Feet Wider, 4 Feet on each side please.

    St. Joe Company, LLC. should be the ones to pave, Curb and Drainage April Road since THEY are the ones wanting to build all those Houses there. I remember a time when the County and City made the Developers put in the Turn Lanes, do they still do that?

  4. O’Keefe Welch and Minor voted no against increasing county office budgets for travel by $21,000 total. Cummings, Maddox, Caban and Proctor voted to increase travel budgets. $84,000 more $ in next four years just for commission travel alone. Wrong decision

    These 7 people also spent a long time talking about dividing current yard waste contracts into multiple pieces just to create more minority D.E.I. spending. they only meet 1x a month and this is their product. thought county was supposed to be better gov?!

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