TPD Traffic Enforcement Reaches Pre-COVID Levels

TPD Traffic Enforcement Reaches Pre-COVID Levels

Data provided in the City of Tallahassee annual financial reports show that traffic enforcement – as measured by traffic citations – has reached pre-COVID levels.

During 2020 and 2021 traffic violations reported by the TPD dropped by more than 50% when compared to the previous three year average – 12,053 violations – from 2017 to 2019.

During 2020 and 2021, the number of violations fell to 5,663 & 5,352, respectively. However, during 2022 and 2023, the number violations increased to 11,654 and 12,696.

The decline in traffic enforcement is a national trend. Unlike Tallahassee, some cities have not recovered from the impact of the pandemic on traffic enforcement. Law enforcement experts say a combination of factors including staffing shortages, low morale and explicit policies banning police from enforcing certain violations are the main drivers.

2 Responses to "TPD Traffic Enforcement Reaches Pre-COVID Levels"

  1. People pay out the nose for car insurance in Florida, everyone complains about it.
    As a military brat I have lived all over the world, there is nowhere like Tallahassee, I have never been to a place where you can drive as fast as you want without ever worrying about getting a ticket, ride around with a piece of paper in the rear window that says “Lost Tag” sans tag number! I cannot remember that last time I saw someone getting pulled over for a traffic stop. I watched a car go around a cop doing 60 in a 45 and no one batted an eye.

    Maybe that’s why our insurance is so high…?

  2. You hardly see officers on the road these days. Red light running is rampant in the city, we need more police cars on the road. I suppose the ones we have are busy dealing with personal crimes.
    Hire more officers please.

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