Stewart: The City Should Adopt a Travel Policy for Elected Officials

Stewart: The City Should Adopt a Travel Policy for Elected Officials

During my research related to the current controversy over City Commissioner Jack Porter’s failure to disclose information about her travel, I discovered that – unlike the current city policy – a number of other local governments require specific travel expenses for elected officials be approved by their colleagues.

In some locations, the expenses related to the trips are listed out in detail for officials to review and any third party payer of expenses are identified.

During this research I also discovered that the Leon County School Board has a similar policy.

For example, at a recent meeting the Board included a request for travel by two school board members and noticed the request in the agenda – “The Superintendent recommends approval for out of county travel for School Board Members Darryl Jones and Alva Smith to attend the FSBA Annual Summer Conference to be held in Tampa, Florida on June 5-7, 2024. Board policy requires that all out-of-county travel be approved in advance by the School Board. Attendance at this conference constitutes official School Board business.”

The Board unanimously approved the travel in an open and public meeting. This approach is transparent, informs citizens about the actions of their elected officials, and overall, seems like a good idea.

Given the travel budgets afforded Tallahassee city commissioners and the recent proliferation of national “non-profit” groups that push ideological agendas, it is important for constituents to know where their elected official are traveling and the purpose for the travel as it relates to city business.

In my view, the city should adopt a travel policy that requires disclosure of proposed travel, who is paying for the travel, the associated expenses, and how the travel relates to city business.

If this policy was in place now, the questions surrounding City Commission Jack Porter’s travel would already be answered.

6 Responses to "Stewart: The City Should Adopt a Travel Policy for Elected Officials"

  1. @ Alan = NO, that money is for COUNTY BUSINESS ONLY, for Travel, Meals and Lodging on County Business only. You want to go to a Movie, a Play, a Nascar Race or to Disney, that YOUR DIME. OH, and like that one guy I read about today, just because a Strip Club serves Food, certain things should NOT be covered.

  2. I am in 100% agreement with Steve Stewart on this.

    “Given the travel budgets afforded Tallahassee city commissioners and the recent proliferation of national “non-profit” groups that push ideological agendas, it is important for constituents to know where their elected official are traveling and the purpose for the travel as it relates to city business.”

    (insert mic drop here)

  3. Commissioners should be able to spend their travel budget as they see fit. If voters don’t like it, vote them out. They shouldn’t be beholden to other commissioners approval.

  4. What Business does the City and County Commissioners HAVE to do out of the County? State Employees can not accept any kind of Gift from Vendors or Nonprofits not even a Calendar. The Gifts must be sent back.

  5. Board Of County Kommissars just voted to give themselves $3,000 each more per year in travel budget, $21,000 for them

    The rest of us just making do with less..

  6. Hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars go to Amelia Island every year for the Chamber conference. Agree with this, let’s have transparency and public involvement!

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