City Commission Meeting Briefs: June 19th, 2024

City Commission Meeting Briefs: June 19th, 2024

Below are the Tallahassee City Commission meeting briefs from the June 19th, 2024.

The City Commission voted to authorize the city manager to negotiate and execute the Construction and Maintenance Memorandum of Understanding regarding the Northeast Gateway Overpass Bridge between the City of Tallahassee, the Florida Department of Transportation and Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency.

This City Commission voted to authorizes the city manager to negotiate and execute a Local Agency Program (LAP) Agreement and any future amendments with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for the construction of the Velda Dairy Road/Thomasville Road Intersection Improvements Project. It also appropriates funding from FDOT, which will reimburse the City of Tallahassee with costs not to exceed $1,500,000 related to the construction of the project.

The City Commission approved a settlement related to a claim of the Florida Department of Transportation for a total sum not to exceed $3,176,834.65. The settlement of this claim for this amount has been approved by the Liability Oversight Committee. The amount will be paid from Risk Management funds. The claim was due to property damage matter involving the railroad bridge that crosses Apalachee Parkway. The recommended settlement comes after extensive discovery between FDOT, the City Attorney’s Office, and Risk Management on behalf of the City of Tallahassee.

The City Commission voted to appoint City Commissioner Dianne Williams-Cox to the Florida League of Cities Board of Directors.

The City Commission voted to appoint five citizens to the Airport Advisory Committee.

The City Commission voted to approve the Mayor’s appointments to the Planning Commission.

The City Commission voted to approve resolution authorizing the issuance of not exceeding $27,000,000 City of Tallahassee, Florida Fire Improvement Revenue Note for the financing of the construction of the new Fire Station 17 to be located on Lake Bradford Road.

The City Commission voted to introduce a proposed zoning amendment for 109.36 acres located on the South Side of Capital Circle SE and East of Woodville Highway to change the zoning classification from the Critical Planning Area (CPA) Zoning District to the Charlie Ward Champions Ranch Planned Unit Development (PUD) Zoning District.

The City Commission voted to approve the award for the City of Tallahassee School Speed Zone Enforcement to RedSpeed Florida, LLC. and authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute a contract.

The City Commission held the first and only public hearing on an ordinance related to an amendment to the Southwood Planned Unit Development (PUD) Concept Plan, located on 3,322 Acres Generally Bounded by Apalachee Parkway on the North, Southwood Plantation Road and Biltmore Avenue on the East, Tram Road on the South, and Capital Circle SE on the West. The proposed amendment will update the Stormwater Facilities Master Plan, the Trail System Plan, and Utility Concept Plan. Lastly, the proposed amendment will re-organize and update the PUD document.

During commissioner discussion, issues addressed included pedestrian safety, update on the underground utilities, city hall trespassing policy, Roberts Rules of Order, TPD policy related to the Riley DUI arrest, and the firefighter contract negotiations.

5 Responses to "City Commission Meeting Briefs: June 19th, 2024"

  1. @DoctorTuna-No, Progressives need to align with Conservatives and put the well being of the citizens of Tallahassee first.

  2. Leon County and Tallahassee commissioner s are really screwing over the Killearn Plantation residents. A $444.00 charge for septic upkeep that they did not want or ask for on top of increases in the millage rate. Stop with constantly raising property taxes. Retirees are suffering. Cut some programs and real back the $45,000.00 raise the commissions gave themselves.

  3. Conservatives need to align with the Progressive wing. No future otherwise plus the tax increases from Richardson are getting pretty insulting. He’s relying on Republicans and northeast will not and should not rescue him.

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