Democrats Accuse Party Leader, Matlow Aide, Ryan Ray of Bias, Promoting Division on City Commission

Democrats Accuse Party Leader, Matlow Aide, Ryan Ray of Bias, Promoting Division on City Commission

There is mounting criticism directed at Leon County Democratic Executive Committee Chair Ryan Ray from other Democrats about Ray’s role as the LCDEC chair – he was elected in 2022 – and his position as the aide to City Commissioner Jeremy Matlow.

In addition to a complaint filed by city commission candidate Rudy Ferguson alleging bias by the LCDEC and Ray in his race against Commissioner Jack Porter, other Democrats – some for the first time – are publicly criticizing actions by Ray and his boss, Matlow.

Louis Dilbert, another Democrat candidate in the Porter race, says Ray’s bias in favor of Porter’s campaign is obvious.

Candidate Louis Dilbert

“I have felt the bias from Leon County DEC under the leadership of Ryan Ray. Shortly after I filed in June 2023, I met with Ryan Ray to introduce myself. As a proud Democrat in a non-partisan race, I thought I would be welcomed,” said Dilbert.

However, Dilbert said, “As time passed, it became more and more evident that Commissioner Porter was their choice based on the close relationship between Ryan Ray (Matlow’s aide), Commissioner Porter and Commissioner Matlow.”

On June 7, Matlow announced he was creating a new political committee to support the campaigns of current City Commissioner Jack Porter and Dot Inman-Johnson, a challenger to current City Commissioner Curtis Richardson.

LCDEC Chair Ryan Ray posted his support for Jack Porter on social media with an image from her campaign kick off on September 28, 2023. The kickoff was attended by Ray’s boss, Commissioner Jeremy Matlow. Two other Democrats filed to run against Porter before July 1, 2023.

Jon Ausman, the longest serving Chair of the Leon County Democratic Party in Leon County’s history, has criticized Ray for the declining number of registered Democrat voters in Leon County and said that Ray is “promoting divisions with the all Democratic City Commission.”

“Ryan Ray, a city employee working directly under Jeremy Matlow, as Party Chair has done nothing to heal the 3-2 division among an all Democratic City Commission. In fact, he openly supports a challenger to one City Commissioner, Curtis Richardson,” said Ausman.

Bob Lotane, once a Matlow supporter and significant funder of progressive causes is also frustrated.

Lotane recently wrote that Matlow’s rationale for challenging Democrats makes no sense. “That is the kind of pious babble that has harmed the Democratic Party locally and is needlessly dividing our city. Leon County has lost more than 11,500 registered Democrats since Matlow’s chief assistant took over as county Democratic Party chair,” said Lotane.

Lotane points out that Matlow ran in his first campaign on being a poor kid from the south side. Matlow “told us he had a plan to address south side issues. Now, after six years, he says we must wait until he can get a majority on the commission,” said Lotane.

Lotane added, “you don’t get that luxury in politics. Through statesmanship and diplomacy, you work to make a difference for those who put you there.”

Dilbert, who is a newcomer to politics but not the issues, said he “expressed to Ryan that catering to just the progressive sector of the party isolates moderate Democrats, which is probably why there appears to be little to no involvement of moderate Democrats in city and county leadership. ….The central issue at hand is the clear bias of the LDEC and Chairman Ray. Such behavior can discourage future Democratic candidates from seeking office.”

9 Responses to "Democrats Accuse Party Leader, Matlow Aide, Ryan Ray of Bias, Promoting Division on City Commission"

  1. Maybe when true change appears on the ballot, our City should vote for it. This City is not ready, and it may be too late to change our direction. IT’S TIME!

  2. The best part is that the Democrat Party – as does the Republican Party – makes all members and candidates sign a “Loyalty Oath”… lmao. The “Political Party’s” are loyal to no one.

    What Ferguson, Dilbert, Dailey, Richardson, Cox et al… are coming to realize is that the Democrat Party is no more. It has been overrun by progressive zealots with a warped agenda of destruction. And if Inman-Johnson pulls this off, the City of Tallahassee will quickly become a Southeast LA cesspool. There is nothing “progressive” about the Progressives. They are a cultural, moral, and structural poison in today’s society and politics.

    The City of Tallahassee is positioned to become the State Capital City it always should have been… but these progressive zealots are driving it to precipice of disaster.

    Wake up, People… before it’s too late.

  3. Exactly why we need more conservative voices in Tallahassee politics. Democrats should be ashamed at the way they literally threaten the livelihoods of anyone that doesn’t march to Progressive Democrat agendas.

  4. Now THIS is funny, in a trainwreck kind-of-way. The local Dems (chaired by the well-paid aide to a sitting Commissioner Matlow) are actively campaigning against their own because they are not woke, elitist, and bat-crap crazy as THEY demand. THAT automatically tells you who to consider and who not to in August. Add fellow Dems Bob Lotane and Jon Ausman pointing out how ridiculous young Ryan’s conduct is you know the young man should be kicked out of the sandbox and given seat in the corner for a timeout. State Dem Nikki Fried has removed some extremist illibs elsewhere in Florida, does she have the courage to do it in Tally? It’s crazy to think JFK would not be remotely welcomed by most Democrat party leaders today.

  5. Well, when you ask a fellow Local Democrat to leave the Local Democratic Party, I think that is a little more than just being Bias.

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