The Tallahassee Community Action Committee (TCAC) – which recently held a political forum attended by City Commissioner Jack Porter and city commission candidate Dot Inman-Johnson – called 13 newly sworn TPD officers “paid stooges” in a social media post following the city hall ceremony on August 6.
TCAC is a self-avowed socialist and anti-police group. The group has repeatedly called TPD Chief Revell a murderer and labeled TPD officers as “cop killers” while speaking at city commission meetings.
When asked about attending the forum, Porter and Inman-Johnson refused to address the demeaning rhetoric aimed at TPD.
Porter’s challenger Rudy Ferguson and City Commissioner Curtis Richardson who is being challenged by Inman-Johnson, refused to attend the forum.
This recent comment about the newly sworn officers has been met with silence by the local media and by Tallahassee community leaders.
Vernon- You are Correct! The ultra left Communist, Socialist, Progressives are targeting Tallahassee and the local Democrats are too stubborn to wake up and see it. I pray that Tallahassee citizens will vote Out Porter and Dot.
Make no mistake…the ultra left is targeting Tallahassee because it already has a foothold and sees an opening to pressure everyone in city/county government to support their socialists anti-law enforcement views.
Embrace their free speech for all to hear…Everyday. Give them more time at the microphone. With their extreme views being heard and talked about, even the moderate leftists will step back. Their free speech is a gift to the rest of us! Sunlight is the best medicine for these irrational policies.
( Ihave never been more thankful to have moved away from Tally.)
I don’t get it. People like this are allowed to spew their caustic rhetoric, but if you disagree with them publicly you are called racist. Last time I checked, free speech didn’t come with caveats. It applies to EVERYONE! If you want to talk nonsense in public, we should be able to debate right back at them. Communism/Socialism/Progressivism… call it what you want but it is running rampant in this city.
Jack, Dot and Jeremy:
The (Real) Three Stooges
I can’t believe anyone with even a half-ounce of commonsense would bother listening to what the Tallahassee Community Action Committee (TCAC) has to say. Don’t waste your time. Nothing to see here……move along.
Ignore them. Their rhetoric can not persuade deaf ears.
Like I’ve said many times…
If you elect and/or re-elect these Pro-Hamas Progressive clowns – aka: Pizza Boy Matlow, AOC Mini-Me Porter, and Do(n)t Johnson – they will turn our fair city into another progressive cesspool like San Fran, New York City, Chitcago… and so many other cities destroyed by these miserable Anti-America Progressives.
SOOOOO, these People are ANTI POLICE……..Hmmmm, interesting. They should pop up on 911 Calls as being “Anti Police” and Banned from owning/using any Guns. When they call 911 for Police Assistance, you send them a Counselor instead.
The TCAC and their minions, Jack Porter, Jeremy Matlow, and Dot Johnson are menacing troublemakers. Tallahassee commissioners and citizens need to stand firm against them and not allow them to destroy our city with their Socialist agenda.
There is almost always two sides to every story. Where is the coverage of the welcoming of the new police officers by the local community that supports law enforcement? Surely there must be some local organization that is a proponent of lowering the crime rate and providing a safe community.and will say so at a city commission meeting or at least in a tweet or news release.
Their logo is a red fist. There is nothing neighborly or civic minded about that choice.
Make no mistake, these troublemaking miscreants speak for Matlow, Porter, Dot, and that insipid puke that is running against Laurie Cox. Vote for them at the peril of your life!
All expected statements and behavior from TCAC, Porter, and Inman-Johnson. Matlow is the same. All together they make up a progressive defund police agenda.
TCAC unagenda speakers pitifully cannot comprehend the City Commission has no jurisdiction, interest or ability to affect multiple topics including; overturning a jury’s guilty verdict, demanding Israel not defend themselves, and insisting the City officials violate state statute reinstating and giving prohibited powers to a defunct citizen review board.
So much is written and said about decorum and civility during City Commission meetings, the complaining about the commissioners not getting anything done is incessant. Maybe they could accomplish more if they didn’t have hours of their time wasted listening to TCAC speakers drone on and on reading from the progressive or socialist talking points.