City Commission Approves FY2025 Budget in 3-2 Vote

City Commission Approves FY2025 Budget in 3-2 Vote

On Wednesday, the Tallahassee City Commission conducted the first of two public hearings on the Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) operating budget, which totals $908 million, and the FY25 capital budget, which totals $302 million.

The vote was 3-2, with Mayor John Dailey, and City Commissioner Curtis Richardson and City Commissioner Dianne William-Cox supporting the proposed budget and the 4.42 millage rate, while City Commissioner Jeremy Matlow and City Commissioner Jack Porter voted no.

The 4.42 millage rate is 0.030 mills lower than 2024’s rate due to projected additional revenue of $503,701 from the school zone speeding program that will be implemented in 2025.

The vote comes amid a contentious campaign for control of the city commission. Matlow, who is supporting Dot Inman-Johnson’s bid to unseat Commissioner Richardson, argued that the city should adopt the roll back millage rate which would require $3.9 million in cuts to the general fund.

However, the majority argued that the city’s millage rate is one of the lowest in the state and the cost of city’s services are reasonable.

The second public hearing is scheduled for September 25, 2024.

5 Responses to "City Commission Approves FY2025 Budget in 3-2 Vote"

  1. If the Commie Redistribution Association (CRA) wants to “RAILROAD” us, they should clawback the $25 million they gave FSU for the Doak Downsizing first.

  2. Don’t buy into the “fiscal conservative” stunt being attempted by Pizza Boy and his Cabala of Communists. If Do(n)t Johnson gets in, this city is done.

  3. Just because our millage rate is one of the lowest in the state doesn’t mean we need to raise ours just for that reason. You should only compare Tallahassee with other Cities with the same population and then audit THEIR Budget to see what they spend their Money on, I bet you will see a lot of differences. I am sure the City can find ways to cut $4,000,000 from their Budget if they took the time to look.

  4. I just heard on Preston Scott that someone says that the Rail Road Square Property is Valued at between $20 Million and $30 Million. I would really like to know how they came up with THAT Value, it is in a Flood Zone. I would say about $3.5Million less the cost to Clear it. I will bet the owners want to sell the part that was Destroyed and keep the section that is still Rentable. The City does not need this Property.

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