State Fires Back in Abortion Information Dispute

State Fires Back in Abortion Information Dispute

The News Service of Florida

Attorneys for the state late Monday urged a Leon County circuit judge to reject a political committee’s request for a temporary injunction to block the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration from disseminating disputed information about a proposed constitutional amendment on abortion rights.

A 26-page document filed in Leon County circuit court said the state Constitution does not give the political committee, Floridians Protecting Freedom, a “right to muzzle AHCA’s public statements about an issue of immense public concern.”

Floridians Protecting Freedom, which is leading efforts to pass the amendment in November, filed a lawsuit and an emergency motion for a temporary injunction on Sept. 12.

The case stems from a controversial website and ads that the agency has used to disseminate information about the proposed Amendment 4, which would enshrine abortion rights in the Constitution. With Gov. Ron DeSantis helping spearhead efforts to defeat the amendment, Floridians Protecting Freedom contends the agency has violated state law by using public resources to spread inaccurate information about the proposal. Judge Jonathan Sjostrom is scheduled Wednesday to hold a hearing on the request for a temporary injunction.

But in the document filed late Monday, attorneys for the Agency for Health Care Administration criticized the injunction request. “Nothing in Florida law supports FPF’s (Floridians Protecting Freedom’s) attempt to make this court a referee in a fundamentally political dispute over the accuracy of AHCA’s speech about Amendment 4,” the state’s attorneys wrote. “In any event, FPF is wrong when it accuses AHCA of ‘spreading false information about the amendment.’ AHCA has not made false, deceptive or misleading statements about Amendment 4.”

4 Responses to "State Fires Back in Abortion Information Dispute"

  1. Why not be fair in voting on amendments? Split your vote yes on 1 and 2 and no on 3 and 4. You would think people running for office should give the public at least a hint of their political leanings.
    Humans have hunted and fished since the beginning of time and only recently have some decided doing so should be stopped.
    Moral societies through out history have known adult use of mind altering drugs has influenced young people to use them..
    Ever since societies passed moral laws against sacrificing children to Gods, no society has made laws making child sacrifice legal. It does not belong in Florida’s constitution either.
    Thus yes yes and no no seems logical and moral regarding the Florida Constitution

  2. Why not be fair in voting on amendments? Split your vote yes on 1 and 2 and no on 3 and 4. You would think people running for office should give the public at least a hint of their political leanings.
    Humans have hunted and fished since the beginning of time and only recently have some decided doing so should be stopped.
    Moral societies through out history have known adult use of mind altering drugs has influenced young people to use them..
    Thus yes yes and no no seems logical and moral.

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