City Commission to Consider Changes to Authority of the Police Review Board

City Commission to Consider Changes to Authority of the Police Review Board

On August 23rd, the Tallahassee City Commission will consider approving several proposed amendments to the Citizens Police Review Board (CPRB) Policies and Procedures. These changes come after several controversies with the CPRB which resulted in the removal of CPRB members and resignations.

CPRB policies and procedures provide that annually the City’s legal counsel shall review CPRB policies and procedures. It is stated in the agenda item that CPRB members have had questions regarding their duties and responsibilities where not specifically stated in the adopted policies and procedures. The purpose of the amendments is to provide clarity related to these questions.

In 2020 the CPRB was created to foster transparency and enhance the relationship and communication between the TPD and the community. The purpose of the CPRB is to review completed department internal affairs reports, cases, and issues relating to law to enforcement to increase transparency and enhance credibility related to law enforcement.

There are several recommended revisions made to the policies and procedures, including clarifying the requirement of being “unbiased” when performing CPRB duties. The revision states, “Members shall conduct themselves in an unbiased manner in fact and appearance, meaning each member must remain impartial, fair, and objective in both how a member conducts themselves during the CPRB meetings and in all issues and decision making that come before the CPRB.”

The new provisions also provide a clear definition related to CPRB’s authority, which states the CPRB does not have the authority to independently investigate cases, “review or recommend modification to the duties and responsibilities of the CPRB as set forth in the City Ordinance No. 20-O-31, issue press releases or public statements, call special sessions, determine or review Department policies or procedures, review or negotiate Department contracts or collective bargaining agreements, hire or promote officers.”

Another revision added a definition of how CPRB members should avoid community outreach. The provision reads, “CPRB members should avoid community outreach on behalf of the CPRB. Community outreach includes, but is not limited to, distributing flyers in the community, creating social media accounts, creating internet domains or creating board or board member email addresses. The CPRB should rather be dedicated to performing the specialized duties stated in these policies and procedures.”

Additionally, other provisions include, authorizing the Chair to cancel meetings as the work permits, establishing a three-minute public comment limit, designating the Ombudsman to ensure that only closed Internal Affairs Investigations are provided to the CPRB instead of the Administrator, and clarifying the CPRB’s responsibilities regarding the gathering of information for the annual report.

10 Responses to "City Commission to Consider Changes to Authority of the Police Review Board"

  1. @ Edward Lyle = Those very words can be said about the CSC and a few other Programs the City and County started.

  2. The creation of this sham of a board was based on a lie, and done just to appease the woke whiners. It’s been a disaster from the get-go, and it serves no purpose nor provides any value whatsoever to the community.

    Shut it down!

    The proposed change to the limitations of authority specifies the CPRB shall not have authority to “…hire or promote officers.” That language does NOT specify that the board DOES NOT have authority to FIRE officers. Is it the intent of the commission to give the board such authority??
    For clarification shouldn’t the proposed change read …”hire, fire, promote or demote officers.”???

  4. Shut it down and hire half of a police officer. Stop with the snacks for staff and automobile benefits for staff and you have another 1.5 police officers.

    See? It’s easy when you start looking at where you are spending NOT YOUR MONEY.

  5. Its a left wing idea that is going to fail! Remember that big titted tattooed ho that was on there before with the ‘Defund the Police’ coffee cop?

    Its political theater. It ain’t gonna solve any crime or violence in this town. We need WYATT EARP.

  6. I have five bones that says Dailey has a “pyloric valve” underneath that coat.

    Ala Ignatius J. O’Reilly…Where is Santa Battaglia when we need her?

  7. People who are not or do not commit crimes have nothing to fear from the police. IMO, the supposed distrust between law enforcement and parts of the community is a manufactured problem. The goal here is to reduce incarceration of minorities by causing individual cops to think “doing the right thing ain’t worth the scrutiny you get”. The CRPB is just another fake tool, along with “Restorative Justice”, that politicians use to justify not doing their jobs to protect us from the increasing crime.

    Why did that woman, age 20 and on parole, think stealing a car with a baby in the back seat was ok? We may disagree what should be a crime but we should all agree stealing cars should be against the law. And at age 20 you have to accept the consequences of your actions.

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