Leon County Loses Jobs, Labor Force Shrinks in 2015

Leon County Loses Jobs, Labor Force Shrinks in 2015

The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity released employment data for the state of Florida today. The data shows that Leon county added 221 jobs in December. However, the release also shows that when compared to 2014, Leon county lost jobs and the labor force shrank in 2015. These trends were in the opposite direction of […]

Leon County Moves to Defund Economic Development Council

Leon County Moves to Defund Economic Development Council

The staff for the Leon County Board of County Commissioners added an agenda item for the January 26th meeting that seeks the authorization to terminate the Economic Development Council (EDC) contract. Click here and scroll to page 14 to see agenda item. Leon County’s current contract with the EDC calls for funding of approximately $174,000. The agenda […]

City and County Allocated $400,000 in Taxpayer Funds to Tallahassee EDC

City and County Allocated $400,000 in Taxpayer Funds to Tallahassee EDC

Tallahassee Reports has learned that the City and County budgets for 2016 include a combined total of $411,500 in taxpayer revenue allocated to the Tallahassee Economic Development Council (EDC). Budget documents show that the City increased the allocated amount for the EDC by approximately 48%, from $115,000 in 2015 to 174,500 in 2016. Leon County […]

Leon County Single-Family Construction Ends Year with Increase Over 2014

Leon County Single-Family Construction Ends Year with Increase Over 2014

Recent information from Leon County and the City of Tallahassee shows that single-family new construction projects increased by 7.6% in 2015. In 2014, 446 single-family permits were approved and in 2015 that number increased to 480 units. The 7.6% growth in Leon County is less than the 9.9% growth in single-family starts reported at the national […]

Tallahassee International Airport Passenger Traffic Ends 2015 Down

Tallahassee International Airport Passenger Traffic Ends 2015 Down

The final numbers for 2015 show that passengers traveling through Tallahassee International Airport (TIA) was down by about 2% from traffic in 2014. The numbers reported for December show a 3% drop from 56,808 passengers in 2014 to 55,047 passengers in 2015. The chart below shows the annualized number of passengers for the each of […]

Statewide Job Comparison Highlights Local Challenges for 2016

Statewide Job Comparison Highlights Local Challenges for 2016

A 12-month comparison of job growth for the 25 Florida MSA’s (Metropolitan Statistical Area) shows that the Tallahassee MSA ranks 23rd in job growth. In December 2014, the Tallahassee MSA employed 177,100 people. After 12 months the number decreased by 200 to 176, 900. The Lakeland-Winter Haven MSA led the state with the addition of […]

Leon County Employment Falls in November

Leon County Employment Falls in November

The state of Florida Department of Economic Opportunity released employment numbers today which show that Leon County lost 1,659 jobs in November. Leon county loss approximately 200 jobs in October. These job losses goes against the state of Florida trend, but is not unexpected based on historic trends in Leon county. However, this report all […]

Judge Rules in Favor of Killearn Country Club Owner

Judge Rules in Favor of Killearn Country Club Owner

Judge Angela Dempsey ruled that Barton Tuck, the owner of the Killearn Country Club, does not have to continue to maintain the North nine holes of the 27 hole Killearn Country Club golf course during the ongoing legal dispute. The ruling removes an injunction that was put in place to protect the golf course while […]

After Downturn, Tallahassee International Airport Traffic Trending Back Up

After Downturn, Tallahassee International Airport Traffic Trending Back Up

Recent data provided by the City of Tallahassee, indicates that airport traffic, as measured by passengers served, bottomed out over the summer and is headed back up. The Tallahassee International Airport (TIA) has been the focus of many City Commission meetings over the last four years. Since the Great Recession, policy makers have been trying […]

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