Tallahassee Reports has learned that Keith Powell has accepted the Ethics Officer position with Tallahassee’s Independent Ethics Board. The Tallahassee Independent Ethics Board selected Mr. Powell as their first choice for the position at the December 16th meeting held at City Hall. The current Ethics Officer, Julie Meadows-Keefe, is slated to leave the position in […]
By Jim Saunders, Christine Sexton, The News Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — The 2020 legislative session will start Jan. 14 as House and Senate members gather to hear Gov. Ron DeSantis’ State of the State address. Lawmakers will take up a wide range of issues during the 60-day session, along with negotiating a budget for […]
At 10:22 on January 6th, Lawrence Revell was sworn-in as Tallahassee’s next Police Chief. The ceremony was held at the Jack McLean Community Center, located at 700 Paul Russell Road on the southside of town not far from where Mr. Revell attended Rickards High School. Many local government dignitaries were in attendance, including Mayor John […]
On Thursday, Jan. 9, at its regular meeting, the Tallahassee Historical Society (THS) will hold a panel discussion on historic churches in the Tallahassee area. The THS regularly holds meetings featuring experts in history, culture, and more. “The news of our planned panel discussion generated quite a bit of interest,” said THS President Bob Holladay. […]
By Ana Ceballos, The News Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — As a new year begins, and as we bid a final farewell to the past decade, Floridians should look out for a number of events in the next 12 months. For starters, two massive events are coming to the Sunshine State: the 2020 Super Bowl […]
In response to the latest developments related to a shooting and burglaries in the Ox Bottom Crest neighborhood on December 28th, 2019, both Interim Police Chief Outlaw and Sheriff Walt McNeil asked for help. Chief Outlaw stated, “We see a disturbing trend of groups of juveniles involved in these crimes at all hours of the […]
Current Leon County Schools Superintendent Rocky Hanna filed paper work with the Leon County Supervisor of Elections on Friday, January 3rd, to seek re-election to the office he won in 2016. Hanna, as he did in the 2016 election, filed to run for the partisan office as a NPA candidate – no party affiliation. Hanna […]
City of Tallahassee electric utility data shows that the growth rate in residential connections over the last two years has hit new highs during the 2012-2019 period. From 2012 to 2017 the average annual growth rate in residential connections was 0.84%. The average annual growth rate from 2017 to 2019 was 1.51%. The chart below […]
Listed below are the top viewed stories published by Tallahassee Reports. As you will see, the top stories cover a wide range issues. These include Andrew Gillum, crime, the local investigation into government corruption, the Killearn golf course, and the Leon County school system. 1. Attorney John Morgan Labels Gillum a #Fraudster, Asks for Refund […]
By Jim Saunders, The News Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — It wasn’t the most important issue or event of 2019. But a little more than a week after Gov. Ron DeSantis took office, he held a news conference in Central Florida that removed any doubt the Rick Scott era was over. Flanked by Congressman Matt […]