The Washington Post reported this afternoon that “U.S. and Mexican officials are discussing the outlines of a deal that would dramatically increase Mexico’s immigration enforcement efforts and give the United States far more latitude to deport Central Americans seeking asylum, according to a U.S. official and a Mexican official who cautioned that the accord is […]
On Tuesday June 11th, the Capital Conservatives will host Mark Earley, the current Leon County Supervisor of elections. The forum will be held at the Elks Lodge located at 276 North Magnolia Drive. The program starts at 6:15 and will be followed by a Q&A session. A buffet dinner is also available, see details below. […]
By Ana Ceballos, The News Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — Scot Peterson, the former Broward County school-resource officer who was forced to retire after he did not confront the gunman in last year’s Parkland school massacre, was arrested Tuesday on 11 charges related to his inaction. A 15-month investigation, conducted by the Florida Department of […]
By Ana Ceballos. The News Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — As federal prosecutors poke around at issues involving Andrew Gillum, they could be looking into potential “misuse or misreporting” of campaign money tied to the 2018 Democratic gubernatorial nominee, according to Gillum’s attorney, Barry Richard. Documents and information demanded in a federal subpoena, issued in […]
This Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. in City Hall, Tallahassee City Manager Reese Goad will present the proposed FY2020 to elected officials at a budget workshop. In his budget letter, Goad notes: My goal in the development of the FY20 budget is to continue providing innovative, best-in-class service effectively and efficiently, setting the stage for the […]
TALLAHASSEE — Lobbying the Legislature is big business. During the first three months of the year, companies, local governments and other clients paid an estimated $37.4 million to lobbying firms for legislative work, according to state numbers. Lobbying firms are required to file quarterly reports that offer a picture of how much they get paid. […]
The latest US Census Bureau estimates on population growth show that Leon County population increased 0.43% from 2017 to 2018. The estimate indicates that Leon County added 1,255 people. The Leon County growth rate of 0.43% ranks last among the 36 Florida counties with a 2018 population of over 100,000. The growth rate ranks 54th […]
In March 20, 2019, the Associate Press reported that former “Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum wants to register at least 1 million voters in an effort to make the state swing blue in the 2020 presidential race….” Now that number has been reduced by 40%, to 600,000. In an interview with Steve Contorno of […]
Florida A&M University will be banned next year from post-season play in major sports, will have records vacated for a dozen teams and will face financial penalties and scholarship reductions, after an NCAA panel found the school “lacked institutional control” and did not properly certify the academic eligibility of athletes. Florida A&M and the NCAA […]
By Dara Kam, The News Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — With a shock of white hair, a trademark bow tie and a soft, Southern drawl, Talbot “Sandy” D’Alemberte was a legal icon who influenced decades of Florida governance and was described Tuesday as a “force of nature.” D’Alemberte, who died suddenly Monday at age 85, […]