Airport Traffic Continues to Climb in March

Airport Traffic Continues to Climb in March

Since June of last year, the number of passengers moving through the Tallahassee International Airport has been on the increase. The latest information for March 2017 shows another increase in air travelers. The numbers show passenger traffic increased in March when compared to March traffic in 2016. The numbers for March 2017 show a 8.6% increase […]

City Informed Bondholders, But Not Citizens About Fuel Spill. Also, “Residual Contamination Might Exist”

City Informed Bondholders, But Not Citizens About Fuel Spill. Also, “Residual Contamination Might Exist”

With every passing day new information is revealed about the major fuel spill that occurred at the City’s Hopkins Generating Station in 2012. TR was the first to report the spill here and the beginning of what appears a concerted effort by management to conceal the spill from city commissioners and the citizens of Tallahassee. Now […]

The City of Tallahassee’s Fuel Spill Cover-Up

The City of Tallahassee’s Fuel Spill Cover-Up

Tallahassee Reports has learned that a City of Tallahassee employee knew about the major fuel spill at the Hopkins Generating Station, but failed to alert City Commissioners about the spill during a public meeting while discussing contracts for companies to cleanup potential “spills of hazardous materials.” The discussion took place on February 8, 2012 during […]

Campaign Reports Show Over 50% of Gillum’s Contributions Came from Outside of Florida

Campaign Reports Show Over 50% of Gillum’s Contributions Came from Outside of Florida

Finance reports filed today show that Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum has raised approximately $755,000 for the contest, including $246,000 for his campaign and $509,000 for his affiliated Forward Florida PAC that can accept unlimited donations. Of the $755,000, approximately $425,000 or 55% came from donors outside of Florida. The Campaign Account The campaign finance […]

Major Fuel Spill at City’s Hopkins Generating Station Hidden from Public View

Major Fuel Spill at City’s Hopkins Generating Station Hidden from Public View

Through the review of public records after receiving an anonymous tip, Tallahassee Reports has learned that there was a major diesel fuel spill from an above ground storage tank at the Hopkins Generating power plant that, until now, has not been publicly reported. The spill, which happened in 2012, resulted in thousands of gallons of […]

Plan Slated to Bring Solar Power to City of Tallahassee Utilities Customers

Plan Slated to Bring Solar Power to City of Tallahassee Utilities Customers

TALLAHASSEE — Customers of City of Tallahassee Utilities can soon use solar power without dealing with the complications and high costs of installing rooftop solar panels on their individual buildings, if a proposed plan is adopted by city commissioners. There will be an open enrollment period for customers wanting to subscribe to the proposed city […]

Another Land Use Controversy

Another Land Use Controversy

The shouts of “save our neighborhood” by residents that feel commercial development is encroaching on their way of life continue to be heard through out Tallahassee. The latest concerns being voiced come from neighborhoods on the southeast corner of Thomasville Road and Kerry Forest Parkway in Northeast Tallahassee. An eight acre mostly wooded parcel which has […]

Soros Family Gives Gillum Committee $150,000

Soros Family Gives Gillum Committee $150,000

Andrew Gillum claimed he would run a grassroots gubernatorial campaign that would take on special interests. At his campaign roll out, in Kleman Plaza, Gillum said, we’re going to run a race that is powered by people. It’s going to be your $25 dollar contributions, your $5, your $10, that’s going to make it possible […]

City Commission Votes for Killearn Redevelopment Proposal

City Commission Votes for Killearn Redevelopment Proposal

After a contentious two years, the City Commission went against the Planning Commission recommendation and voted 5-0 to approve a rezoning application that will facilitate a proposed redevelopment on a portion of the “North Nine” holes of the Killearn Country Club. The end product was very different than the original proposal pushed by Barton Tuck, […]