The latest numbers for the Tallahassee International Airport (TIA) show passenger traffic declined in March of this year when compared to March’s traffic in 2015. The numbers for March 2016 show a 7.4% decrease in passenger traffic. The number of passengers decreased from 63,487 during last March to 58,785 this year. These number follow a modest increase […]
Sean Kilcarr | Fleet Owner Publication | Feb 25, 2016 A vehicle miles traveled (VMT) tax “seems to be the lead possibility” in terms of constructing a national mechanism for replenishing the highway trust fund (HTF) going forward, according to Rep. Sam Graves(R-MO), chairman of the Hours of Representatives’ subcommittee on highways and transit. “Everything is […]
After receiving a 22% increase in average salaries from 2008 to 2015, the City budget staff is asking for more increases for non-public safety related General Fund employees in 2017. The agenda for the budget workshop to be held on May 11, 2016 states: “General employees include all employees that are not part of a collective […]
It has now become clear that the City of Tallahassee budget staff presented distorted facts about General Fund spending trends to City Commissioners at the inaugural budget workshop for fiscal year 2017 on April 13th. This finding comes amid a request by citizens groups to roll back the 13% property tax increase passed last year. […]
The Network of Entrepreneurs and Business Advocates (NEBA) held a political forum on Tuesday for candidates seeking positions on the City Commission. NEBA, with approximately 250 members, routinely provides opportunities for candidates to introduce themselves to the business community and to answer questions about issues important to their membership. This year two seats on the […]
The Citizens for Responsible Spending (CRS) and members of the Budget Hawks made several presentations at Wednesday’s City Commission meeting. The groups are asking the City Commission to roll back the 13% increase in property taxes that was adopted last year. The presentations addressed the rosy outlook presented by City staff weeks earlier at a […]
March numbers for single-family home resales show that the annual-rate of sales is on the rise again. There were 2,892 single-family units sold over the previous twelve months. As the chart below indicates, resales crossed the 2,800 unit threshold last July and has held steady since that time, however resales are on the rise again. […]
Has the average salary for City of Tallahassee general fund employees increased by 20% since 2008? Former Mayor Penny Herman, a member of the budget group Citizens for Responsible Spending (CRS), recently spoke at the City Commission’s budget workshop and asked elected officials to roll back the 13% property tax increase adopted last year. One […]
At the Capital Region Transportation Planning Agency (CRTPA) meeting this past Monday, the Board voted, after a motion by City Commissioner Scott Maddox, to rescind a job offer recently extended to a candidate to fill the vacant position of Executive Director. The candidate was ranked number two by the screening committee and was offered the […]
Tallahassee Reports has learned that local elected leaders have been supporting a move to tax vehicle miles traveled by individuals for a number of years. This is despite the recent comments by some local elected officials that implied taxing individuals on miles traveled in their cars was not part of a proposed study slated to look […]