New Jersey Company Paves Tallahassee Roads with Workers from Out of Town

New Jersey Company Paves Tallahassee Roads with Workers from Out of Town

This week Tallahassee Reports received several phone calls from citizens who wanted to know why an out-of-town company was paving Springsax Road. Springsax Road is located just off of Spring Hill Road, south of Orange Avenue inside the Tallahassee city limits. On Friday, an employee of Tallahassee Reports traveled to Springsax Road and verified that […]

Nights and Weekends Sign-Ups Lag Honeywell Projections

Nights and Weekends Sign-Ups Lag Honeywell Projections

When the City Commission voted to move forward with the Smart Meter program in March, 2007, the decision was based in part on the proposal provided by the vendor, Honeywell. The detailed proposal showed how the City could save $44 million over the next fourteen years if 25,000 utility customers signed up for a time-of-use […]

Red Light Cameras Increase Total Crashes, Decrease Right Angle Crashes

Red Light Cameras Increase Total Crashes, Decrease Right Angle Crashes

Based on operational data collected by the City of Tallahassee, listed in the table below, the use of red light cameras has resulted in more crashes at red light camera intersections three years after the implementation than three years before. Total crashes increased from 377 before implementation to 509 after implementation. More specifically, rear-end crashes […]

Brew Pub Agreement Provides Look At Business Plan

Brew Pub Agreement Provides Look At Business Plan

The Tallahassee City Commission will vote on Wednesday to approve an agreement to renovate and lease the historic electric building in Cascades Park.  According to city documents the Commission previously approved funding for the project and a proposal from Liquor Loft, LLC d/b/a Proof Brewing Company (Proof) to renovate and lease the facility for a proposed […]

Tallahassee City Manager Solicited Charitable Donations from City Lobbyist, City Vendors and City Employees for Ziffer Event

Tallahassee City Manager Solicited Charitable Donations from City Lobbyist, City Vendors and City Employees for Ziffer Event

Tallahassee Reports has learned through a public records request that Tallahassee City Manager Anita Favors Thompson sent out an email soliciting donations from a city lobbyist, city vendors and city employees for a charitable event involving City Commissioner Gil Ziffer. City Commissioner Gill Ziffer told Tallahassee Reports he was not aware of the email. The […]

City Staff Asks Commissioners to Vote Against Ethics Panel Recommendation on Ethics Officer and Penalties

City Staff Asks Commissioners to Vote Against Ethics Panel Recommendation on Ethics Officer and Penalties

The City of Tallahassee staff will formally ask the City Commissioners to vote against some of the major recommendations made by the Ethics Advisory Panel (EAP) on Wednesday during a City Commission workshop. The Ethics Advisory Panel, made up of nine citizens, including a retired Chief Justice of the Florida Supreme Court and a former President […]

City Electric Reserves Top $100 Million Once Again

City Electric Reserves Top $100 Million Once Again

The City of Tallahassee recently updated the financials for their operations in the fiscal year 2013 and the budgeted numbers for 2014. One of the items updated was the “Schedule of Reserves.” The “Schedule of Reserves” details the City of Tallahassee policies and reserve level requirements for eleven different funds. Reserves are used to address […]

City and County Spending Take Different Paths

City and County Spending Take Different Paths

Now that both the City and the County has adopted a budget for fiscal year 2014, Tallahassee Reports has acquired the most recent budget documents and developed a table comparing spending trends between the two local governments since 2008. A comparison of the County and City operational spending trends since 2008 are shown in the […]

City of Tallahassee Retains Millions in Garbage Fees, Leon County Passes Savings to Customers

City of Tallahassee Retains Millions in Garbage Fees, Leon County Passes Savings to Customers

An exclusive analysis by Tallahassee Reports of the solid waste contracts negotiated separately by the Leon County Board of County Commissioners and the City of Tallahassee with Waste Pro, Inc. over the last year has revealed two different approaches of dealing with consumers dollars. The County Approach The Board of County Commissioners (BCC) previously had […]

EXCLUSIVE ANALYSIS: The Source of Local Campaign Contributions for 2014

EXCLUSIVE ANALYSIS: The Source of Local Campaign Contributions for 2014

Local candidates who have declared their intention to run for office in 2014 filed their latest financial activity reports with the Leon County Supervisor of Elections earlier this month. The reports filed to date cover all contributions and expenditures through September 30, 2013. In an exclusive analysis, Tallahassee Reports has compiled two tables based on […]